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Muslim fest is today!!! All of us are excited and all of us were in our separate ways Mariam and I together and the boys with one another. Some fans came up and wanted to take pictures so I did and I brought Mariam in some of them too.

"Thank you." A group of girls said and I nodded.

"No problem." I said waving at them.

Mariam snap chated us both and it was pretty funny.

"Where are we?" She asked me.

"Bro you know where we are😂." I laughed And she sighed.

"Do it for the snap." She said and I shook my head.

"I ain't gonna do it." I said and she shook her head.

"Do you see how stubborn she is?" She asked the camera and we laughed.

"Come on let's go find the others." I said and we started walking.

"Hey nayla it's that girl who keeps photo shopping those pictures." Mariam said and I watched to where she was pointing I put her hand down.

"Stop pointing she'll see us." I said and she ohed in realization.

"Ima go up to her." She said making her way to the girl who's name was apparently Clair. I held Mariam back to prevent any scene.

"Leave it don-

"But she's trying to ruin yours and Harris' relationship that's not okay she needs to understand that you both are engage and what she's doing isn't halal." She said and I nodded I saw from the corner of my eye that Clair was coming up to us so we walked away.

"Let's go." I said and walking ahead but unfortunately she caught up.

"I've been trying to get your attention for so long couldn't you hear me?" She asked with such attitude.

"Can we help you?" Mariam asked and she nodded.

"Yeah I would like to know where the boys are?" She asked and Mariam rolled her eyes.

"No we don't know bye now." I said and she stood in front of us.

"I know you saw the picture." She said and Mariam groaned in annoyance.

"And what does it matter we know it's photo shopped cause well you missed one giant detail." I said and we walked away.

"What was the detail?" Mariam asked once we were away from Clair.

"My hair is brown in the picture I've never died my hair." I said and she ohed then laughed.



Ugh I hate those girls with a burning passion I decided to fallow them since they'd at one point lead me to Harris and the others.

If allowed them sneakily making sure they didn't see me it was hard since my cover was almost blown by these fans!


"Bro that girl is fallowing us." Mariam said to me and I nodded telling her I knew.

"Can you stop fallowing us please?" I asked turning around and she scoffed and left and we watched her leave so she wouldn't see where we are going.

"Ok now let's make a run for it." Mariam said and we both ran I bumped into a tall semi muscular body.

"Sorry-WAJEEH?!" I asked and he gasped and looked at me shocked.

"Hey nayla long time no see wow I heard so much, guys look who I bumped into its my best friend nayla last time I saw her was like when?" He asked me and I shrugged.

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