Don't Hurt Daddy!

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You and Jared's son, Max had take your child to work day. Since you had off since you were pregnant you decided to take him to the set to watch his daddy at work for the first time. Since he was only 3 he didn't understand what Supernatural was or the makeup or the fake blood.
He was watching a scene where a monster was beating up Sam.
You tried to cover up Max's eyes but he pulled away and watched anyway.
"Mommy what are they doing?" He looked scared.
"Nothing baby it's fake." You picked him up.
"But look mommy!" He pointed to your husband. "He's hurting daddy!"
"I promise you Max. It's not real."
He started to cry.
You held him close and went over to one of the camera men to ask him to get Jared to calm Max down as he was getting louder and louder.
The camera man whose name was Matt, called him over and he walked over to you.
"Hey babe." He picked your lips. "What's wrong buddy?" He took his son from you.
"He thought that bad man was hurting you." You pouted trying to make Max laugh.
"He wasn't hurting me. Look, it's fake." He touched his "bloody" lip. "Smells it, it smells funny real blood doesn't smell like anything."
"Really?" Max sniffed and hugged his daddy.
"Promise Buddy."
"Okay." He smiled and hugged him.
"Mommy can I sit in Daddy's chair?"
"You have to ask Daddy. It's his chair."
"Daddy can I sit in your chair?"
Jared smiled. "Yeah." He sat him down and went back to the set.
Yay! Tell me how it was!!!

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