chapter 1 stalker

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You was walking with your best friend  to the park,
"It a pretty day u know to get off your phone " I said "yep" your (b/f/n) said while texting off to space, so you toke her phone and run up to a big rock and got on it "hey give it back (f/n)" your (b/f/n) said "If you want it back you have to talk to me " I said while waving her phone in the air, " fine I talk to you just give it back " (b/f/n) said so you when down and gave her phone back knew that she was lying,and you can't help but feel your annoying her so you didn't say anything, she take her phone and start texting again " thank you" (b/f/n) said sounding  a little annoyed, so you went looking for stuff in the woods, your best friend still texting on her phone, then you start to think about the good time your guy had when you was younger but now you feel like she hate you or don't want to be around you, so you just leave her alone and be less annoying so I look around and saw something blue but can't tell what was it so I ignored it and keep looking for stuff but you keep felting like you are being watched, "hey (f/n) it getting dark let go " (b/f/n) said still texting on her phone "ok"I said than I follow her out the park and we when are way home alone. She toke the short way home and I toke the long way home then I put my beats on and listen to some  dubstep on your phone and you turn them all the way up and start walking home.

Eyeless Jack pov

I was watching (f/n) walk home be herself so I follow her to make sure she safe and sound then she turn back, then I hide behind the rose Bush accident touch one of the thors "o-" I yelp in  pain "awww look at Ej in love with a huma- " Ben said I put my hand over his mouth as he  pop out of no were "shut up ben" Ej whisper while his eye stocket didn't left (f/n), Ben remove Ej hand alway from his mouth while Ej did nothing but staring at (f/n) body movement Ben then toke his hand and wave it across Ej face but he didn't did nothing,(f/n) then walk in her house and shut the door behind her,Ej was staring off of space.

Ej daydreaming little bit of lemon

"O Ej I love you so much don't ever leave me " (f/n) said while she rub her hand over Ej bare chest Ej moan, then kiss (f/n ) neck " o Ej stop" (f/n) moan "EJ STOP" low voice said.

Ej daydreaming end

Ben was wrap up by my arm and I was about kiss him, Ben hand Is on my face push me and I pin him "I'm not (f/n) once again Ej I'm Ben can you say Ben " Ben said while pushing me alway I got up and dust off the dirt on my knees and look at Ben "did-d know k-" Ej said but cut off by Ben " NO WE DIDNT KISS OK  " Ben got up and we heard a click sound and we turn to see Jeff and laughing Jack taking pic of us the whole time " hahaha you got that Jeff haha" laughing Jack said while on the floor laughing his @$$ off, "haha yes got it " then they bother run off because of Ben was about to kill them and I just went in (f/n) house and When in her room where she was softy asleep.

To be continue☺☺☺

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