Chapter 1 & 2 (Meeting)

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I'm walking downtown to my apartment. As I walk, it's late at night, so it's dark and hard to see, I'm about a block away when I run into someone. "Oh I'm sorry" I say. I can't tell who it is but I know it's a guy. He takes off his hoodie and says " no, my bad. I'm really sorry." "Honestly, it's fine." A smile spread across his face . I look into his eyes. "My name is Shawn" he says. "And you are?" "Umm Vanessa" I reply. "Your beautiful." "Thank you, your not so bad yourself." "Would you like me to walk you wherever your going?" "id like that" we make our way down the street. As we get closer to my apt, our hands slowly intertwine. We take the elevator and just to the right we unlock my door, "may I use the restroom real quick?" "Uh yea sure, to your left" I lead him inside. After a few minutes he comes out and says " can I sit?" "Sure" I pat my hand on the couch next me. He sits. "I have to be honest with you, I didn't need to use the bathroom..."I smile "Can we talk?" I ask politely "Sure, what's up." "I've been kinda depressed lately and I feel like shit. My boyfriend dumped me in the Parking lot at prom the other night, and then he asked my ex friend and she said yes. Idek Shawn, sometimes I just want to kill myself." He looks into my eyes. "I know we just met but idk what I'd do without you. You can't let something so beautiful go to waste. Please stay... I can treat you better than your shitty ex boyfriend can." "Thanks, but I barely know you." "Do you?" He Kisses me gently and I don't want him to stop. In between kisses he whispers. "You" *kisses me* "your so" *kisses me* "so beautiful." He puts his hands on my back and pushes me back a little. I'm half leaning back, half sitting and he bends over so he's closer to me. He kisses me again then pulls me back up. He stops kissing me for a second but holds me tighter. He's looking into my eyes, for something I'm not sure I possess

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