Male/Female Reader X BW(Barb Wire the human Lion) Short one-shot

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Splendorman shoved the hat into your face smiling like an idiot. Jackalena sighed rolling her glowing eyes staring. "Splendor if you keep smiling your face will end up like Jeffreys over there!" "Hey! I look good Kaiti!" She made a face growling. "Keep dreaming smile boy.." "I herd that! or should i tell your crush~?" She growled running after poor Jeff and they run upstairs, You herd a loud crash and a girlish scream coming by a loud "Smile child and wild child!!" You knew poor Slendy wouldn't be able to sleep now. Splendor put the hat in your face again pouting, you sighed finally putting your hand in it.  A sharp tingle came to your hand and you pulled out some barbwire out. Splendor gulped whispering " got Jackalena's ex BW. Don't let her kno-" "WHAT!? _________ GOT HIM!!!" She came running downstairs tripping. "Please don't endanger ___________!" "Well i think their cute." Jackalena growled pulling you into a protective hug. BW rolls his blood red eyes. "Let go Kaiti.." Splendor pulled her off of you and sighs. "Go on ___________ ill keep her busy." You nooded walking into the closet hearing the door close, you decided to be brave for your friend and looked at the red eyes looking at you. He comes into the light and reveals a tall tanned man, he has shaggy brown hair, a small beard. Scars litter acorss his chin with a few percings. He was wearing a ripped shirt and some jeans. "So we kiss and You'll be mine. Is that how this works?" "Wha! No i will not-" He forcefully grabs you and kisses you roughly, being scared and not wanting death you push him off and run out hiding behind your friend Jackalena. She growls menacing glaring at him sending the lion away. "Sorry __________ are you okay?" "Yeah he didn't do anything to bad." "Ill be back you know.." "Piss off." She snaps her fangs at him and You look away happy that's over. "Wanna try again?" You and Jackalena yell at Splendorman together making him back up. "NOOO!"

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