The betrayel

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Percy's pic
    I was back finally to camp I've been gone for 3 months doing quests for Athena to marry Annabeth. She was going to make me to the labors of Hercules but I reminded her I've already done most of them. Instead the hunt hunted me for three months that was somehow worse. Hephaestus made the most beautiful ring ever and all the gods blessed it. Now I was back at camp, I walked to the beach to prepare my date. When I got there I noticed Jason kissing a girl on the beach."good for him" I thought he's been in constant depression since piper did in the war with gaea 5 months ago. The odd thing was the entire camp was around them cheering so I couldn't see the girl. Suddenly they parted and I gasped there breathing hard was my wise girl. Suddenly the camp turned toward me and they gasped. I threw the ring at her it was half sea green half gray In a perfect swirling mix embroidered in diamonds was a owl flying out of the ocean shimmering from all the blessings. I turned around and fled camp not caring I was alone. I got in the gray sisters taxi and went to see my mom. However when I got there          I fell on my knees and sobbed.

Annabeths poc

   I sat on the beach next to my new boyfriend I come here when I want to be mad it reminds me of him the betrayer. Seeing me getting madder and madder  Jason pulled me into a kiss. His where so much better than Perseus Jacksons ever where he's been missing for three months I've been informed he's been "hanging out" with his mortal friends. Eventually the entire camp surrounded us. Eventually we pulled a part and a heard a small gasp. I turned and saw Perseus Jackson Bain of titans and giants defeater of Kronos and gaea and destroyer of every known monster completely heartbroken. "Good for him he knows how I feel I stepped forward to slap him when he threw something at me and ran away sobbing. I shrugged it of and went back to my kiss.

Percy's poc

   What I saw at my apartment was enough to make me fall down sobbing. Laying in front of me where the bloodied forms of Paul sally and my 8 month old sister Atlanta stabbed to the wall was a note that said "yeah I kinda lost my temper 😀-annabeth". I turned and ran out of the room and tried to jump of the fire escape and pitched myself headfirst towards the grounding hoping to die. Annoyingly enough apparently I had the curse of Orpheus
I literally couldn't die. So I walked of into the woods hoping to find a way to die


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