Burning Down Wonderland

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Such a lonely child

With a vast imagination

Burned down her Wonderland

Her entire Wonder-nation

She slipped cantarella

Into their drinks with normalcy

They fell asleep and never woke

What a distasteful dormancy

The poor rabbit was late

To his very important meeting

For the child needed luck so she

Took his foot and left him bleeding

The Hatter was no longer stuck

In a never ending tea-time

For the arsenic began to work

And the child got away with her crime

She brought back the stolen tarts

And used something deadly instead of sweet

The queen of hearts reluctantly ate them

But choked to death at the child's feet

The cat told her to drink a bottle to shrink

And what happened to the child?

She choked and sputtered on cyanide

"That'll teach her," the Cheshire Cat smiled

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