Chapter One

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Hi. My name's Abigail. Abigail Wheeler. In Japanese, the language people speak in Japan, which is where I live, it's Abigail Jonouchi. I live in a house with my big sister, Serenity. She's super nice. I wish ya could meet 'er. She's super!!

I go to a Duel Academy because my big sis signed me up for it. I think Dueling is super fun! I love to Duel!! I just wish I had some friends to Duel with...

Anyways, moving on from the depressin' stuff. I am the identical twin sister of Joey Wheeler. Ya know him, don't ya? Of course ya do, he's famous for bein' the "King Of Games" best friend, after all.

My brother and I haven't seen each other in almost 12 years. So, yeah, it's been a while.

"Abigail, time to go!!" I hear a yell from the kitchen. 'Big sis!!!' I thought, running into the kitchen. "What's the matta, big sis? Whatddya need?" I ask excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Well, Abigail, sweetie, you're going to go see Joey today!" She answers, a happy smile on her face. "R-really? I-I am...!?" I ask, almost shouting. "Exactly. So, go get your stuff ready and wait for me at the end of the street, okay?" She tells me, waving me off. "Got it!!" I reply, gathering my stuff, and most importantly, my Duel Disk and all of my Monster Cards.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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