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It has been a year sinse dan ansked brenyon to be his bf. They r celabreting there 1 year anirversery by meeting eachother in englind where dan livs. Brondoon is SOOOO excite! And so is Dan. Dan got a messige from brundone "Im on the plane xxxxxx rawr" "okay dont die xD RAWRXXXXXXX" dan said "ill try XXXX RAWR" brendwen said back.
4 houres latr
Dan was at the airport waiting 4 his handsum boyfriend. He stood at the gate and saw brindin. "BRENDUIN" dan scREEMED as brent came out of the plain. Brendwoon ran up 2 dan and smooched him rite on the lips. They walked to dans house 2gether. Holding hands. It was perfict.

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