Part 1

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A gasp wheezed from the woman's throat as she awoke. Her chest heaved, pulling and pushing to accommodate with the breath she had lost before then. Her body ached on the cold, hard floor and her eyes took a few moments to adjust to the dim atmosphere. When she finally willed herself to look, the ceiling above was black; An endless void of darkness that seemed to swallow the above effortlessly.

"Welcome, Giulia." A woman's voice broke the silence. Her voice was like liquid gold, glorifying everything it poured over. A sudden warmth over came the girl as she rolled onto her side then sat up.

"I prefer Shreva. Thank you..." She trailed as she scanned the massive room. White marble floors with a large circular emblem in the middle of the floor. A pair of white, stone doors were gently ajar behind her and ahead lie a sizable, rectangular basin carved within the stone floor.

The water that filled the basin gentle rippled inside. It hypnotized her for ages until her attention was drawn to a colossal throne carved from stone on the other side of the basin. A few steps lead up to it and brilliant red and gold fabrics draped over the seat and arms.

"Very well." The woman purred and reached a hand out in aid. It was only then that Shreva took notice of her, drawing back some in response. A pale hand with neatly tended claws was outstretched. The rest of the female was covered in long, white robes that flowed across the floor around her. Golden accents were noticed along the robe's trim and Shreva's eyes narrowed at the woman's face, shadowed with a hood.

Reluctantly, she took the woman's hand and pulled herself to her feet. She wobbled awkwardly and held her arms as she examined the room.

"Who are you?" the demoness inquired and the woman's barely visible mouth, smiled.

"My name need not matter. I am what most call the Omen."She opened her arms in a grand gesture before continuing, " The pillars that surround you, are the pillars of life. They hold this temple up. My job is to ensure all who cross my path are safe within these pillars. If they are corrupt, they are cast out." She explained and quickly took notice of the smaller girl's sudden change in expression.

"Is this where they hold Reckonings?" Shreva asked, cautiously making her way to the basin.

"It is. It is where you were falsely cast out." The Omen clasped her hands, turning to the girl.

"How did I get here?" Shreva knit her brows and looked over her shoulder to the Omen.

"It is common for most to have no recollection of what happened before they woke up here." She admitted and bowed her head. " You are dead, Shreva. This is Celestia, and there is very good reasoning as to why you are here." She explained and watched Shreva's body as it tensed. Every single being to arrive in Celestia reacted the same way. Death, true death, wiped one's memory, having to be jogged in order to recollect how it happened.

A rush of memories poured into Shreva's mind, causing her to gasp again in obvious pain.

"Lewis!" She swung around and searched for an escape route. As she attempted to bolt for the stone doors, the Omen reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly she found herself unable to move. A wave of calm rushed through her, although her mind still panicked.

"I have to find Lewis."

"I am sorry, I can not allow that." The Omen uttered monotone.

"No! No! You dont understand! I have to find him! He needs me!" She tried so hard to move, to budge, but to no avail.

"Shreva, You are dead. You can not interact with the living. It is physically impossible." The Omen watched as the girl crumbled, releasing her shoulder as she fell to her knees, sobbing aloud.

From the bottom of the BasinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon