An unexpected visitor

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   "SILENCE PEASANTS! WE MUST EXTERMINATE THE TIME LORD AND TIME LADY!" Derik mentally slapped herself. How had she not realized it. If the Doctor was her dad, she had to at least have some Time Lord blood in her. As far as the Daleks were concerned, every Gallifreyan was a threat. Derik grabbed her dads hand and hoped he would think a way out of the mess she had gotten them into.


   Derik sighed as she slumped against the wall, knees pulled up to her chest. They were in a small room in which they were free to move around, and the door was in the corner. But there was one problem. Only a Dalek could open that door. And the Doctor's sonic couldn't unlock Dalek technology. Her dad looked to her. She looked to him silently. Her face asked the only question on her mind. "Do you have a way out of here?" The Doctor shook his head staying silent. The laconic nature of the room was killing her. However, she stayed silent not knowing what to say or anything at all. Even the Doctor was annoyed at the situation presented. He hated not knowing. And he knew lots of things. He moaned in frustration as he began pacing around the room. Derik looked to her dad. Regret and remorse filling her mind. Regret because she should have stayed put, and remorse because she wanted to find her dad. Which she had, but she was trapped with him.

   "Dad." Derik called to her father. Finally breaking the silence. She swore she was going to regenerate if she had to sit through another second of silence. The Doctor stopped his trek from one end of the room to the other and back again, and looked to her. "Yes?" He responded further letting her know that her father had acknowledged her. "I'm sorry." She said. She felt tears beginning to sting her eyes. The Doctor made his way over to his daughters side kneeling and resting a caring hand on her shoulder. "For what?" He asked in true disorientation. "For getting us into this mess. I knew I should have stayed put, but I didn't want you to get hurt." She began to sob. The Doctor threw his arms around her in a tight hug rubbing small circles just between her shoulder blades. "Shh... It's OK." He cooed softly.


   As the man wandered around the object flipping some items on said object, he looked to a screen in the back of the room. It shown a black and white image of a petrified forest. He flipped a switch and the location was revealed to him. He stepped out of his transcendental object, and snapped, effectively closing what appeared to be a door. The exterior of the object was a dark grey cylinder. With the door being less so. Almost white in appearance. The man walked away from the machine, and into the petrified forest. He looked around and saw grey. Just like his machine. Except the gray of the world around him was lighter than that of the machine. A soft wind nibbling at his green corduroy jacket and black trousers. The black bowtie around his neck looked on the seemingly indefinite forest. If it was even worthy of such a title.

   The man made his way to one of the trees and grasp a branch. He thought it to break off - being petrified for an unknown amount of time - which it did. He looked to the small item in his hand. He crushed it, and the grey branch pulverized in his hand. He then made his way back to the much darker object dusting his hand off, and looked around the perimeter of it. Nothing but petrified forest for as far as his eye could see. At least until he rounded to the back. A city filled his vision. Being the curious man he was, he decided to walk down to the city. But unknown to him, a blue box sat inside the forest. Hidden behind the grey trees.


   Derik had since calmed after the conflict with herself. "Where are we?" She asked with a curious tone. "Skaro. Home planet of the Daleks." The Doctor said simply. "The first enemy I ever faced. With Ian Chesterton, Barbra Wright, and my grand-daughter, Susan Foreman." He added. Derik looked both confused and filled with joy. "You had a granddaughter?!" She asked of course not knowing. Her dad nodded. "Yes. I did." He replied. "Can we meet her after this?" She asked. That was a question the Doctor had not fulfilled. He remembered his first goodbye like it was yesterday. Standing just next to the console. The roundels behind him looking to the scanner. "One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye Susan, goodbye my dear." He said just before he took off. Leaving her in 1963 with David. A tear stung his eye. He slowly shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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