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I just need you by my side.

But how do i know where to find you?

There are so many faces and so many bright but broken smiles, so how am i supposed to find you from here?

Or are we just going to search for each other for eternity and in the end just brake down all alone?

What if i never find you?

What if you're not even looking for me?

If you found someone that doesn't let go of you, or you don't know how to let go of them.

Then i'm left all alone, still looking for you till the time when i fall and don't have the strength anymore.

Right when i'm giving up all the hope, right when i'm falling down, someone  comes and lifts me up again.

I raise my gaze and it's you. 

And in matter of seconds, my hope is lifted again.

This time it's different, this time the hope, will never leave me again.

Because my hope, it is  you.

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