Lean On Me

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~Sam POV~
It was sad hearing him talk about how badly he's treated. I could see tears starting in his emerald green eyes. "Hey it's gonna be alright!" I said to him, moving closer to give him a hug. His body seemed to fit perfectly into mine.

"Thanks. I really needed this." Derik said with a sniffle.

"Of course." I say as I pull him closer. "Why don't you came home with me today? Get away from everything for a while."

"I would love that actually." He said, pulling out of our hug with the biggest smile on his face.

The bell finally rang telling us that it's the end of the day. I met up with Derik so that we could walk to my house together. He seemed so happy compared to earlier, it made me smile. I love his smile so much. "Thank you for letting me come over for a while, I really need the escape." He said. His voice is so soft and cute.

"Of course. You can come over when ever you need to." I reply, as we walk into my house then up to my room.

"Thank you. I've never had friends, or real friends at least. They all left after I told them I was gay. It sucks." He said, tears starting up in his eyes again.

We sit on my bed and I pull him into another hug. "Hey don't cry. It's gonna be alright, I'm here for you and I'm not going to leave. I promise." I say. I feel my shoulder beginning to become wet from his tears. I don't say anything, I just pull him in even tighter.

After about five minutes of hugging Derik soothing him while he cried, I hear soft gentle snores coming from him. I just smile and lay him down on my bed, I lay next to him and cradle him in my arms. He smiles slightly and buried his head into my chest. He's so cute. I think I like him... I know I like him.

~Hey guys. I know it's a short chapter but I'm going to post another one later today. Hope you are liking the story so far.

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