Chapter 15

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I hold her tightly as she sobs against me, finally done telling why she took her own life. She has clearly been tormented by the choice that she has made, and I wish I could make her feel so much better.  "Why did you tell me this if it hurts  so much?" I ask and I feel her pull back. I run my fingers through her hair, and down her back. I can feel the shiver as it passes through her body.

"Because my dear," her voice shakes as she speaks, but I see the strength within her beautiful eyes. "you never would have believed me, or let me help you." I shake my head, and let out a sigh. I don't know if I believe her  about being an Angel. Maybe she's just crazy. Surely she cannot be Heaven sent.

"You don't believe me?" I glance down at her and see that she looks as if I have slapped her. But I cannot lie to her beautiful face. She pulls away from me and I cannot help feeling the loss of her presence. "I will make you believe." She sounds determined to do so, but when I look at her, she is shaking her head.

"Sing for me." I say softly, and I watch as her body becomes rigid. She turns to me and her eyes are wide. "Please Shadow, sing for me." I can hear the heaviness of her breathing, and I see the glisten of tears as they stream down her face. It tugs at my heart painfully, and I reach out for her, but she pulls away, turning her back to me.

"I'm dreaming of a darkness that I don't fear,

Dreaming of the day I don't shred another tear.

I'm hoping for the day that you'll realize your mistakes,

wishing for the day my soul no longer aches.

I'm trying to forget all my pain,

Trying to convince myself I'm not to blame.

I'm destroying myself with missing you,

But I only want to hate you.

I'm keeping a secret,

Fighting off my inner demon.

I'm dreaming of the end that I don't fear,

I'm praying for a lungful of fresh air.

I'm planning my own death,

Breathing my last breath.

I'm fighting to be free,

Begging for him to hear my plea.

I can finally agree....

I'm finally free."

She sings and her voice takes me by surprise. I stare at her once she has finished, and I the only thing I can hear is the wind breathing in my ear. I try to move toward her, but she suddenly turns to face me. Her eyes are glowing, an inner light that I cannot believe I am seeing. They are no longer light grey. Instead they are now a stormy grey, much like her hair, but seem as though they have a fire burning within them. I am surprised to see this.

She opens her mouth and begins singing the song again. This time I watch her eyes as they continue to glow with the strange fire. Her voice is magical and so much more. I cannot come to describe the wonderful sound that I am hearing. It is as magnificent as the most breathtaking piece of artwork, or the most astonishing theatre production. Any musician would be absolutely envious of her wonderful voice.

Once she finishes singing the song the second time, she reaches out and takes my hand. I feel the wonderful spark of a connection with her, and I feel utterly vulnerable to this Heaven sent beauty, for there is no doubt that she was sent from there. Maybe to save me, or maybe to end me.

My heart beat begins to quicken and I stare at her, my mouth hanging open. She leans forward and I quickly capture her mouth with mine. I hold nothing back, pulling her flush against me. I tangle my hand in her hair and tug lightly, reveling her neck so that I may kiss the pale flesh. She clings to me desperately and I feel empowered.

But all too soon she pulls away, tears streaming down her lovely face, and I cup her cheek in my shaking hand. I stare into her once again light eyes and I smile at her as she nibbles on her lower lip. She suddenly pulls away and I once again feel abandoned by her. She walks over to the edge of the street, watching the traffic as it passes.

"Do you believe me now?" she asks and I move to stand beside her, "Yes I do." I tell her, and it is completely true. I believe her, and I love her. I will do whatever I can to win her heart, and yet also keep Lilac safe. I cannot forget about that small child. I know now that her and Shadow are not related. Not by blood, but they do love each other unconditionally.

I will do whatever is in my power to make sure that  both of them stay safe. I promise whoever is listening, whether it is God or some other power out there, that I will give Lilac a good life, the life that Shadow had never gotten. I will protect her with my life. 

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