7/29/16 - 7:13 p.m.

12 0 0

Guess where I'm about to go


A fucking Halsey concert

No fair

That's awesome

I know right.

I'll send pics

But the ride is like an hour

Then for an hour we shall talk

Well duh

Why do think I texted you?

Cause you love me

Oh shut up

You're so cocky

Well duh

God I hate you

I know

Anyway, I have a question


Would you ever consider cheating on me?

...where's this coming from?

Nowhere really. I was thinking about it yesterday about how tempting it can be to get with other people when you're in a long distance relationship

Stop right there

Yes, it may be tempting but you know that I would never do that

I'm not saying that you would I'm just asking if you would

Would you?

No. I don't think so. I don't know.

I love you, you know that

But without you here with me, it's hard

Not seeing you everyday

It's hard you know

Of course i know

I'm going through it too

But try to remember that we love each other

How could I forget?

You're my everything

You always will be

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