-Chapter One- Our New Lives

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Slaves chapter 1- Our new lives

"No please don't take my son away!!!"

"No don't touch me!!!"

"Help me!!!"

These were the sounds the half Demon Inuyasha was awoken to. "What the hell? Where the fuck am I?" He asked aloud, rubbing his pounding head. He looked down and noticed he was only wearing a pair of tattered shorts and had chain's around his wrist, ankles,and neck.

"No please no I promise I won't do it again!!!" Begged a terrified woman.

"You've already used your second chance and you know what that mean don't you?"


Inuyasha covered his ears trying to block out the ear piercing screams. Where on Earth was he?

"Oh would you look at what we have here, a cute little half demon!" The voice of a fat,ulgly, and middle aged man said.

"Hey who are ya calling cute?! Anyways how about you tell me where the fuck I am." Inuyasha spitted out as he glared at the ugly man standing in the doorway.

"Now now why don't you watch your mouth and show a little respect?" The man asked the half demon with a smirk and snapped his fingers.

"As if I'd ever show any respect to an ugly ass bastard like yourself!" Inuyasha yelled pissed. Suddenly he then started to scream in pain.

"That wasn't a question, it was order, now why don't you be a good little doggy and stay quiet." The man snickered as he walked away.

"Where the hell did that pain come from?" Inuyasha thought to himself. He the looked down at the chains around his arms, legs, and neck. The one around his neck was starting to make it more difficult to breath.

He looked around the filthy room he was locked in. It was dark, almost pitch black. There was dirt, mud, and unknown fluids on the ground. The smell caused Inuyasha to gag due to his enhanced scent of smell.

He also saw that he wasn't alone. There were others in the room with him.

Finally one of them woke up. It was a human. A female with black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She looked around the room terrified and confused until she finally made eye contact with Inuyasha's yellow eyes. She squinted as she struggled to get her vision adjusted to the darkness. While he could see her perfectly fine because of his night vision.

She finally could make out his figured and she backed away into the wall. She looked scared of him, but Inuyasha was used to that.

"Hey woman I'm not gonna hurt ya." Inuyasha said to her.

"W-Where are w-we?" She asked nervously as she looked around.

"Don't know, but there was this really ugly fat guy that came in here." Inuyasha responded and pointed at the door.

"What's your name?" She asked moving slightly closer.

"Why should I tell you woman?" He spitted out, glaring at her slightly.

"I'm Kagome Higarashi." She smiled a small but kind smile, but it soon disappeared.



"My name is Inuyasha, now stop bothering me."

"Oh and just so you know we aren't the only ones in here. Unfortunately I can't tell who they are because of the disgusting odor in this room."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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