Part 19

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So this week again - concerts ,interviews,fan meetings. To be honest i have a lot of fun ,but lately me and Taehyung haven't spend much time together,i hope we can find some..

Anyways the week passed and we had  2 days off and my other best friend Lola is commig to visit us. She lives in England with her boyfriend they have been together for years now and missed spending time cuz she is a homeless man too haha.

So we haven't seen each other since we came here and went to take her from the airport she hugged us so tight we even fall on the floor. Of course people were watching us weirdly,but i was so happy that she is joining us.

We went to our apartament and talked a lot cuz we haven't got much time to talk with her ,we had a lot of work since our album is coming out. Yes we are making the album that is why we have so much work lately.

We ate a lot,watched movies ,but she wanted to go out tonight since she is not here for long .They started to dress up with dresses and stuff. I just put make up and wore what i usually do and we went to a bar.Yes,we drank.More than we had to,danced and God know what else.And you know i had to do the stupiest thing. I called Taehyung and of course nobody stopped me.

- Hey- he said

- yaa where are you i need you to come - i said 

- to come where? What is that music?Emily are you out ?- he asked

- just come -i said and hunged up. Yes i didn't tell him where or when but like why should i?(sarcasm).Then he called and i answered.

- will you hurry up - i said

- look i know you are probably drunk ,but try telling me where are you so i can come to pick you up.- he said

- okay wait - YAA LOLA WHERE ARE WE ?- literly screamed because of the music.

- A BAR - she yelled back 


- Emily just ask someone around you - Taehyung said

- oh okay - i said and asked the man behind the bar- well'' Pull the trigger '' i guess he said- i told Taehyung

- okay wait a couple of minutes i am coming- he said and hunged up.In the meen time i stood and danced around like i did nothing what 5 min ago?Soon i realised that i was dancing with a boy.At least that is what i remember and the next second a hand dragging me to the corner of the bar.

-Emily i said wait for me not dance with another guy oh my God please say something so i don't go and punch him- he said and out of nowhere i started to laugh.He stood there confused.

- okay that is enough for tonight you are going home with me - he said and started pulling me to the exit.

- no Lola and Ana are here too - i said still laughing

- i know Jungkook is here with me he is going to take them home - he said and we went out of the bar and straight to his car.I didn't stop talking about some random stuff and laugh at the same time.

As soon as we stepped into the house and went to Taes bethroom and started to jump on the bed for so reason.

- ya sit down and chill - Taehyung stepped into his room and i sit down for like 0.00762 sec and then again started jumping but this time jumping to hug him and i rapped my legs around him.- as much as i what this right now you are not souber and have to lay down and sleep,tomorrow is a different story.

- Jesus we haven't spent much time together lately and now that i am here you just want to sleep.- i said

- i know that we haven't and i am sorry about that and i am asking our manager to give me a day off so i can spent it with you ,but you call me at 2am to pick you up from God knows where and ...if that is what you need me to say yes i have  missed you and i want to spent more time together but you know that it is not easy - he said

- i know ..just when we don't spent time together i think that you can lose interest or meet another girl or something like that ..

- even if i meet a girl nothing will happend. She is not you and no matter how many times i deny it i know what i want and you know it too.Now fall asleep we will talk tomorrow.- when he said it i fall asleep and he pulled the covers on me and kissed me on my forehead. I can't forget that one. He cares.A lot.

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