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The bad boy meets the good girl. How cliché is that? I mean, theres loads of these stories but have you read one that was true? Where the person writing it is actually the character in the book? When all the feelings, emotions and thoughts the character conveys is exactly how the writer is feeling?

Its funny how the bad boy falls for the good girl. Its also funny how the good girl lets him. Out of all the people I'd never expect for him to be the one. The one I let him touch me. The one I let him hold me. The one I let him see me truly.

Everyone expected Mason and I to be together, he's innocent, sweet. Like me. But it just wasnt there. When you like someone your heart beats fast in your chest and you smile uncontrollably when they talk or message you. Its when you lost for words when they walk past or look at you. And you have this weird feeling in your stomach just to lunge forward and smack your lips together.

And I didn't have that with Mason. Which was odd, considering he was what I was looking for. Smart, tall, good looking and a total goof of a sweetheart. But I couldnt do it, I couldnt force myself to go out with him. It just didn't seem right.

It was a Tuesday night, the night before I flew off to a third world country from Australia for a holiday, and I got a message. It was from a boy, a boy I didnt talk much to.

From then on its been butterflies in my stomach and constant heartaches.

I guess you could say this story is similar to the old movie Dirty Dancing. Baby was beyond innocent, like me, and she was all of us when she carried that watermelon. Then there was your typical bad boy, at the time Babys was a professional dancer/prostitute for the upper crust. My bad boys not a prostitute, instead he's a drug dealer.

How could a guy like him fall for a girl like me? All of the girls hes dated have been girls that like to party every weekend, throw away their schooling, suck everyones dick, big tits and ass. Okay, pretty much your definition of a hoe.

And I am so far from that. I'm fifteen and I still havent had my first kiss yet. My parents are so strict, I have to work hard to be even allowed to go out!

Its not going to be easy, but who said forbidden love was easy?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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