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"Hey Johanna, hot ass" Wesley smiled

Johanna looked at me and sighed, she noticed I wasn't bothered to stick up for her today.

She frowned as I curled my finger round my hair.

"Um, Wesley that's really swe- I mean thanks" she wasn't very good with being an asshole

"So do you wanna come over after school?" He smirked

"Wesley get out of here, she doesn't want you" I finally spoke up, I didn't scream at him I just delicately told him.

He nodded and walked past

Johanna looked at me and arched her eyebrow

"I didn't want you going off with another boy your not interested in"

"I can stick up for myself fay" she opened her bag and applied some lip gloss

"You can't" I sighed

"You want some lip gloss?" She offered

I pointed to my freshly applied liquid lipstick aiming for her to realize that it would ruin the matte if I took it

"Oh okay" she pulled her hand back and puckered her lips in her mini mirror and put the gloss back in her bag.

She put her bag on the floor "so, why are you so gloom today huh?"

"I don't want to talk about it" i shrugged

"Well, im always here for you as corny as that sounds" she elbowed me and giggled


"Yeah we can get chocolate, but what's a movie without popcorn?" I said

"I don't have enough for popcorn"

I pulled out a dollar and smiled

"Okay go get it" she laughed

I fast walked to the popcorn isle and reached for the salted, but my hands collided with another.

"Oh I'm sorry" I looked up at the person, it was a boy about my age

"It's okay, you take it"

I snatched it from the shelf "thank you"

"Hey what's your name? You look familiar"

"I'm Faith, I go to ledgewood high"

"Oh yeah Faith, you're really pretty." He smiled

I rolled my eyes "thanks"

He huffed "do you get that a lot?"

"Um I don't mean to sound selfish but yeah" I giggled

"Oh well, Faith, is it alright if I like get your number?" He stepped in closer

"Oh um, I'm sorry but I don't really give my number out to people I meet in a grocery store" I clenched the popcorn packet closer to my chest

"But you haven't met me you've in my business studies" as I stepped back he moved in

"Listen I don't even know your na-" I crashed into someone

"Yo, get out of here, she doesn't want you. She has a man" Ethan shoved the guy away

"Sorry man," he put his hands up in surrender "I didn't know you were her-"

"Yeah, well I am so scurry along"

The guy walked off and I gave Ethan a dirty look

"What? I helped you" he laughed

"Ethan, leave me alone" I threw the popcorn packet at him then left.


"That was a good movie" Johanna wiped her mouth from the chocolate

"Yeah, Harry Potter isn't as bad as people think"

"So do you wanna think about going to sleep? It's 3 and I have swimming class tomorrow" I asked

"Yeah, let me go just say goodnight go my mom" jo stood up

"Does joey woey have to say night night to her mommy" I tickled her

"shut up" she laughed

As she walked out I sat staring at the window when I saw something move, I got up and ran to the window but it was just a plant.

I quickly sat down when jo came in

"Okay whore sack, I'll see you at noon tomorrow" she giggled

"Okay then. Goodnight"



"Fate; fate" I heard faintly in the back of the room, I'm guessing it's grayson.

I opened my eyes and it was "GET THE FUCK OUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

"SHHHH, come with me" he held out his hand

I raised my eyebrow "excuse me? Im not leaving this house with you I'm suppose to be ASLEEP"

"Come on I'll take you back at 4"

I was reluctant to leave, I looked down at my clothes "but I'm in shorts and a shirt with no bra"

"I'm not complaining" he smirked

I shrugged it off and held his hand, he pulled me out the window and he drove me to the nearest country side near the house.


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