Chapter 1

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Gene's Point Of View
Through Letters

G- "S-Sasha what if it's Dantès?"

S- "Gene, I don't know I have Ivy looking at the Fragment, but other than that I have no possible idea what this object is..."

G- "I just miss him, he um it's a long story."

S- "Gene go on, I have plenty of time..."

G-" I have never told anyone except Laurance, about this its just too painful to think of."

S- "You know you can always come to me, for anything...."

G-"T-Thank you Sasha...When I was a little boy, I always looked up to my brother Dantè, he was just amazing, he had all these powers and he was just so cool! But nobody, but me knew what he was doing with his skill, he was killing the citizens slowly...I was horrified so as good of a brother as I was, I told on him...The next day I woke up to the news of his Execution, I was crushed and more importantly I was terrified what if the chief told Dantè, I had never in a million years thought it would come to this, it was unbearable, unthinkable, I was paralyzed with tears, I locked myself in my room for hours crying with guilt...

I just sat there against my door with memories of our brotherhood flashing through my mind, this was irking me for hours...Then his scheduled time came, it was announced by "town yellers" they ran around alerting others of this event...I remember my pure hatred for them, my agony and guilt...I couldn't handle it, I grabbed a sword about to bury it into my chest, I slowly dug it in, hoping to cause a slow and painful death...And Right when I was losing consciousness and strength, I heard a shriek belonging to Dantè the voice yelled "GENE YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" I then blacked out...I stayed out for days, until former lord Aphmau came to Metelli for business purposes, she saw me, she had pity but a spark of love hit her, and to my luck I was resurrected by her sincere love, a kiss from her...Me and her were in love, a love you could never imagine it was perfect...Her Kindness cleared my mind from Dantès cruel curse for a little whiles...

We then moved to Phoenix Drop, Aphmau's hometown, living there made me feel like a person, I made friends like Garroth, Laurance, Emmalyn, Katelyn, Travis, etc...I was so happy...During this time, Aphmau's and my relationship grew tremendously, we had fallen for each other, we were engaged....It was going so fast...

Then one day, we were getting ready to be announced Husband and Wife...My recollection of it is so clear...She was dressed in a purple silky dress, with white flowers bordering the top, I was in a black tuxedo, a purple tie, my hair slicked back...We had our Bridesmaids and Groomsmen lined up perfectly, she was beautiful, then it was all stripped from me, Aphmau was slaughtered by Dantè, along with everyone who attended the wedding, and I had to watch it throughly...He wiped bystanders memories, but he didn't bother with me he didn't wipe my memory he let me live with this misery...After that, I've been living in constant fear, I don't have that good of power, in fact, I'm just a Lord, nothing more, nothing less....

I finished my note, and started to bawl till my tears were no more...If he comes back, I could be dead....My whole town, my guards, my friends will be gone again...I would have to start it over again....I couldn't do that, I just couldn't...I slammed my desk down, "I CANT!" I was instantly calmed down, by my head guard me'ifwa, Laurance, he sped over to me faster than light...

L- "What is With You Lately?!"

G- "I'm going to the nether...." I replied with no thought, whatsoever


G- "I could care less, I need to see Aphmau, and D-D-Dantè..." I stumbled on my words

L-"But Gene he's-"

G-" I know, Laurance!"

I Know He's Shad...


(A/N) Oooohh cliffhanger, lol I hope you enjoyed this new idea....Of course this was extremely long so it will not be updated, asap...But I enjoyed writing this so maybe the updating will speed up...I personally think I did good but that's just me....(762 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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