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Mogar's Here.

Warning: Character Death.

Pairing: Michael/Gavin

Prompt: Gavin's mother passes away; so he is at home in his bed crying until Michael comes over to soothe him.


"I'm so sorry Gav." The voice over the phone muttered. Unshed tears filled Gavin's eyes, his throat tightening.

"I have to go." Gavin said quickly before ending the phone call and locking the screen. He walked over to his bed, sitting down and resting his face in his hands. Gavin's body shook as he was holding back sobs. This couldn't be happening he thought to himself. Gavin rubbed his hands through his hair, looking down he saw his phone resting his lap. In a flash Gavin picked up his phone and chucked it across the room. A loud bang then a shattering sound filled the room as glass and a IPhone tumbled to the ground.

"She can't be dead." Gavin said aloud, body shaking as sobs of pain filled the air of his room. It seemed as if Gavin's legs suddenly gave out as he sunk to the floor; bringing his knees to his chest and curling into himself.

"Gav, are you ready we have leave no-" Geoff walked into Gavin's room and cut himself off. Geoff took in the state of Gavin's room. A shattered picture and broken frame was on the ground, laying next to Gavin's IPhone. Glass was all over the floor and the bed was wrecked. Pillows were scattered and all the blankets were missing. Upon further inspection the blankets, along with Gavin, were discoved. Laying in the middle of the floor was Gavin, blankets and pictures surrounding him. 

"Gavin," Geoff paused, rushing over to Gavin's side. "Gavin what's wrong?" At his question Gavin begain sobbing loudly. 

"She's gone G-Geoff!!" Gavin exclaimed as if Geoff was suposed to know who "she" was.

"Who's gone Gavin?" Geoff questioned, confusion filling his features.

"M-My Mum." Gavin screamed and curled tighter into himself. 


"Hey Geoff, Where's Gavin?" Michael asked as soon as Geoff walked into the Achievement Hunter office. 

"Gavin wont be coming to work for awhile, some family problems popped up." Geoff explained, not really lying, just not elling the entire truth.

Michael nodded his head and went back to editing, sending a quick text to Gavin.

MJ: When you coming back Gavvers? Was thinking we could do a rage quit together.

A few hours passed before Michael actually got a reply.

GF: Now's not the best time. Bad things, flying to England in a few weeks.

Michael furrowed his eyebrows together.

MJ: What happened?

GF: Come Over.


When Michael finally arrived, after arguing with Geoff and a lot of begging, he went stright to Gavin's room. Walking into said room he had to stop to take it all in.

"Did you get fucking mugged?" Michael asked, looking at the broken glass and the overall wreck that happened to Gavin's room. Gavin himself also looked like shit. His eyes were rimmed red, tear streaks lined his face, his clothes were all wrinkled and his hair was worse then usual.

"Fuck Gavvers what happened?" Michael questioned rushing over to Gavin and pulling him into a hug.

"She's gone Michael." Gavin whispered, breathing in Michael's scent.

"Who's gone Gavvy?" Michael asked softly.

"My Mum Michael, she's actually gone. Had a heart a-attack." Gavin's voiced cracked whilst explaining causing Michael to rub gentle circles onto Gavin's back.

"Go ahead and cry if you need to." Michael said.

"I'm all cried out." Gavin chuckled softly, yet clutching onto Michael like he was his lifeline.

"Mogar's here, but Gav, smile. I don't like seeing you so sad." Michael muttered.

"It hurts." Gavin said.

"I know, but It's okay, Im here now, I'll always be here."

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