Dating Bucky would include...

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-Nightmare comforts


-"I love you"

-Him trying to make breakfast for you

-"What would I do without you doll"

-Being bestfriends with Steve

-trying to learn Russian

-Forehead kisses

-Neck kisses

-Him afraid of losing you to hydra

-Messy hair don't care

-Bun day(When both of you where half or full buns)

-stoping him from killing anyboy that flirts with you

-Holding his metalarm in puplic

-Pep talks

-you wearing shorts that turns him on

-Mindblowing Sex


-Hot choclate

-Him caring for you when you get sick

-Don't kiss me you can get sick-Doll I can't superserum remember-I hate you-Love you too

-Going to the beach

-Living in Brooklyn

-Him meeting your parents

-I am super scared what if your parents don't like me-Don't worry they will

-Your parents loving him

-Your little sibling(Or cousin if you don't have one) Asking him stupid questions

-Having a daughter named Sarah after Steve's mom/mum

-She is so cute

-Her having a crush on Steve's son James

-Her joining the young avengers


Hey guys I am back and alive so I was wondering if you guys had any requests that I can fix anyways bye

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