Blue memories

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Once they had reached an old wooden door with what looked to be a number 11 on the front, the Doctor turned around with a gleam.

“This, my dear Rose, is my study..” he said with a certain ownership.

“Yeah don’t touch anything blah blah, now can we get in I’m freezing”.

The door creaked a bit as he opened it wide enough for both of them to pass, the hinges were old and rusty, they looked like they would break any minute crushing both her and the Doctor under the heavy door. Yes Rose was definitely home, here’s the Doctor, she thought, the man who on a daily basis saves millions of people yet when it comes to the average bit of DIY, not a chance. No wonder he made a sonic screwdriver. As they entered the room heat hit her in the face like a hammer, when she said she was cold she didn’t mean ‘quick set me on fire I’ve got hyperthermia’ she stated to herself as she wiped her forehead. The source of this mighty heat seemed to be a vast and beautiful Victorian fireplace at the end of the room with a roaring fire. Very Victorian was all she seemed to think as she scanned the room. In the middle of the room was a wooden coffee table and two armchairs, she suddenly felt like Sherlock Holmes with the style of chairs the Doctor had. Bookshelves were covering every inch of the heated room, most of the books looked right at home here in a time machine. There were old books that looked like they’d break as soon as you’d open them, new books that the Doctor had obviously sneaked into the future to get and books that looked to be written by mad men. Obviously most of these were alien but the problem was she couldn’t figure out which were alien and which were human. The Tardis and her language translator certainly didn’t help. But there was one bookshelf that had a great amount of books written in an obvious foreign language, intricate shapes would cluster this wide range of incredibly old books. The shapes would make beautiful patterns on the spines and covers, gallifreyan, she smiled to herself.

After finally inspecting every aspect of this beautiful room she turned around to face the Doctor, he stood by the fireplace with the orange light cascading over his worn out face, highlighting every aspect of this newly regenerated self. The shadow of the light showed just how old this great man was; his eyes that had seen so much stared intently back at Rose, sorrow and shame showed through them. He had been through war and war again, battle after battle and not always won. There was something about him Rose always noticed, that wherever he went death and destruction would always follow, they were his loyal companions. She remembered when she had only just met him regenerations back, to when he had the sticky out ears and said fantastic a lot, she remembered when he told her who he was, saved her from the aliens and lured her in with the magic blue box. She remembered when he regenerated into a skinny man with fantastic (and I mean fantastic) hair and he showed her every corner of the universe, showing her just how beautiful it was. And then she remembered the worst day of her life, the day that she died in battle, stuck in a parallel universe.

“How many times have you regenerated since I last saw you?” she blurted out suddenly.

“Just once” He answered back quite surprised to the sudden question.

The Doctor then started pouring tea into two china cups then passed one to Rose very carefully; she inspected the cup only to find an intricate picture of the stars painted on it...

“It’s from Earth, the cup, it was Galileo’s I believe. Lovely chap, didn’t like me singing Galileo none stop though” he chuckled.

“Is there not a famous person alive you haven’t met and stolen some antique from?”.

“I don’t think I’ve met Beethoven.. Actually no I think I have..”  He said as he took a seat on one of the Sherlock style armchairs.

Rose sat on the other, took a sip of tea and then placed it on the table.

“So.. You wanted to know what happened to the other Doctor?” She asked quietly.

“Yes, I did, take your time Rose”.

“Well I better start from the beginning.. After you left he seemed happy, really happy, happy I was there if you know what I mean. We went home and for a while it was super, like a big family, we stayed at the mansion with Mum and Dad and it was great. But it was like something was missing, he would sometimes look into the distance, into the sky and his eyes would just glaze over just for a second and he’d be back to the stars. You’d see it in his eyes, the different planets, the different people, and the different places, I guess once you fill a heart with stardust it’s hard to go back to a normal life, I would know. It wasn’t just that either, he’d be confused really confused and angry he didn’t understand that he didn’t have the TARDIS. You have to realise he had the exact memories of you, all those beautiful amazing memories, how could he suddenly forget being the time traveller and be the guy with one heart in the alternate universe. So I came up with this idea, I should travel the world I thought, find everything Alien. Maybe it might make him better. But it made him worse, much worse. There were nights where he’d just sit there silently, not say a word, not so much as breathe a letter, a vowel, anything.”

 Rose then paused to take a sip of tea, she looked over at the Doctor who was sitting there concentrating greatly on everything she said. She put the cup back down, adjusted herself in the seat and started again.

“And then it got too much I guess, he had gone mad from his own loss. He yearned too much to be up in the stars that his own sanity had been taken away. That’s when he started making up crazy ideas, plans to escape. He did many crazy things to get into the other world back into the TARDIS, we tried to stop him but.. Doctor. He..”

Rose stopped she couldn’t say it, her lips trembled and her eyes began to water. The Doctor tiptoed from his seat and placed himself in front of her.

“He what Rose? What did he do” The Doctor whispered as he locked his hands with hers.

“He killed himself, he.. he did it 4 months ago. He had gone that mad with sanity he believed that this was all a dream and that the only way to escape would be to kill one’s self..” She muttered quickly whilst looking in shame at the floor.

Rose looked into the Doctors eyes, there were tears but he was strongly holding them back, he had to keep strong for her, for Rose. The Doctor then sat on the arm of the armchair and hugged her as tight as possible, maybe if he hugged her tight enough all the bad things would go away. He kissed the top of her forehead whilst gently rocking her back and forth.

“Rose, whatever happened I need you to not blame yourself, can you do that for me? The human Doctor had gone mad plain and simple, I shouldn’t have done that to you, given you him. He had only just been thrust into the world with all them memories and feelings, I guess he just couldn’t understand what was happening. So please never blame yourself” The Doctor stated loud and clear whilst looking directly into her face.

Rose just stared at the doctor tears streaming down her face, she let out a small whimper and fell into his arms crying.


Authers note:

Really sorry about not updating earlier, I was just really busy with school work and what not. Hope you enjoyed!! leave comments below if anything annoyed you so I may improve upon!!

Promise to update more and earlier (I mean it) (I hope!)

Love Ellie :-) x

Allons-y Alonso!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2012 ⏰

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