He Said Yes?

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Eli took my hand and led me into the house. We headed down the stairs and he opened his door. I walked through the doorway, sat on the bed, and waited patiently for him to follow.

"Eli," I said looking at myself in the mirror on his wall.

"Yeah, Clare?" When he said my name I nearly melted.

"Why do you like me?" I suddenly felt insecure with myself.

He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders and held me tight. "What do you mean, Clare?"

"I mean, I'm a blue-eyed, Christian girl while you are the sexiest, darkest, most mysterious guy at Degrassi."

"Clare, don't you understand? The reason why I like you is because you are innocent and I absolutely love your blue eyes."

I rested my head on his shoulder and at that moment I knew that I loved him and I knew he loved me back.

The next morning I found Eli's chest under my head. Had we really? I checked over myself. Nope, I was still fully dressed in my clothes from the day before. Good. I thought back to the argument with my mom the day before. 'It's too late for regrets.' And that is true, that was the entire reason I came over here.

"Clare? What are y- Oh yeah." Eli said as he slowly woke up.

He sat up and looked at me with his mesmerizing, jade green eyes. To be honest, I was totally engulfed in them. And apparently, he had the same thought that I had.

"Clare, did we-?" I shook my head and smiled.

"No, I trusted you, and you didn't take advantage of me, thank you,"

He smirked at me and said, "Well, it wasn't easy,"

"Oh, I know, but-" Right when I was about to say something, Cece, Eli's mom, walked in and told us that school will be starting in a half an hour.

Oh, how I love his parents, they are so laid back. So unlike mine, who freaked out when I got a new piercing. I mean, I just spent the night at his house, in his bed on a freaking school night. Love it.

I slowly got up and headed toward his bathroom to take a quick shower. About four or five minutes later, I came out of the bathroom in only a towel.

"Um, Eli, I'm sorta in a pickle,"

"What do you mean?" He said, turning around and suddenly realizing.

"Yeah, I totally forgot to bring clean clothes,"

"Would you be okay with detention for one day?"

"Only if you're there," He smirked and ran out of his room, shirtless.

When he returned he was holding some of his mom's clothes. "I hope these fit,"

"Thanks," I went back into the bathroom and put on the clothes, they fit and they were cute. He's going to get some crap from me.

I emerged from the smaller room and looked at my boyfriend. He was wearing grey skinnies and a black band shirt.

"Who knew you had a sense of style?" I teased.

He walked toward me and wrapped an arm around my waist, "Me," then he kissed me.

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