Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry Miss Marshall, but it's too late. Your brother has passed, we werent able save him." The nurse announces, placing a hand on my shoulder for support. I turn my head slowly to face my father and his wife, gulping as his face fills with anger, disappointment and upset.

"This is all your fault!" He screams, his skin changes colour to red as he screams in my face,

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! Carly was right! You are a pathetic and useless human being, I wish you was never born, and maybe then my son would still be here!", I look around the room, my eyes filled with tears, everybody stood around is looking at me with shame. I killed him. I killed my brother.

I swing my legs off my bed and sit up rapidly, my chest is heavily rising and falling. I wipe my eyes, I had been crying in my dream and my head is pounding. That was the second dream I have had this week where something terrible happens to Jack, I know it's just my brain picking at me for the accident, I think it's maybe because deep down I still blame myself. I look at my black and blue bedside alarm radio clock, it's 10am. A small smile creeps over my face as I realise that today is my date with Luke. I stretch and climb off the bed, slipping on my fluffy bed socks.

I quietly creek Jacks bedroom door open and see him sat up in his crib, with his dummy in his mouth and his hair fluffy and wet from sweat. I smile to myself at the gross sight, I'm just happy to see him safe after my nightmare. I grab him out of his crib and go to stand him up on the floor, he's not much of a morning person so he whines and curls his feet so it is almost impossible to put him down. As I give up he snugs his head into my neck and plays with my necklace for comfort, he has done this since he was a baby with the necklace that my mother bought me.

I impatiently sigh and stroll out of his room with him, I take him to the kitchen and put him in his high chair at the dining table whilst I find us breakfast. I find my crunchy nut clusters in the back of the cupboard, where I hide them away from my dad and Cruella. I pour myself a bowl and put his porridge in the microwave to warm, I then boil the kettle for his daily bottle of milk. I hear the microwave beep, so I take his food out and stir so that he doesnt scold his mouth, that would probably be irresponsible.

I feed him his breakfast as I hear footsteps from upstairs, I sigh knowing that my dad is at work and there's only one person who it could be.

"Lauren, have you seen my Chanel purse?" The devil speaks.

"No" I sigh, knowing that she would blame me for it being lost anyway.

"Well it was there when I went to bed last night, I know you moved it, so where the fuck is it?" She asks, she has a slow voice which makes her seem calm at all times, but I can assure you she is not.

"First, don't swear in front of your two-year-old son, second I haven't touched your damn purse now will you please leave us alone?" I stress, trying to come off almost as calm as her as I place a fake smile on my face.

"You are being so rude right now, that is my son so I'm not sure why you were the one to get him out of bed, he was fine in there alone, stop acting like his mother because you never will be." She says, bitchily, picking him up and walking away. He cries with hunger and confusion as she didnt care to look at the half-eaten porridge and full bottle of milk that he had sat in front of him. She suddenly realises why he is crying and takes them both upstairs with her, avoiding all eye contact so she didn't see the smug look on my face.

"If he's your son then why am I constantly left with him while you are making out with random men in the back of your tramp car behind my fathers back" I mutter under my breath, she freezes in her steps but continues to stomp up the stairs, pretending like she didn't hear me. I know she is cheating on my dad, it's one of the many reasons that I don't like her. He's too in love to see it and I am not going to take the blame for splitting them up so I leave her to it in hope that someday he will see her as the bitch that she is. I am in some ways glad that she is taking care of him for once, I have places to be today and I honestly don't want to take Jack. I finish my cereal and rush up the stairs to bathe, excited to start preparing for my date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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