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I left Italy's body there. I felt guilty but there's no point in burying him if he's going to disappear. It would be sick to hold his corpse in my house, me watching him slowly turn into nothingness. The only thing I could do is place a violet flower onto his forehead, to show that I care. I sat in my bed, feeling sick to my stomach, feeling something rage up my throat. I ran immediately to the bathroom, throwing up, with gunk inside of my toilet. I gagged at the sight, before flushing it down. I washed my hands, placing my ice cold hands on my neck. I wonder if anybody knows the death of Italy.

Ding Dong

I froze in my place, wondering who the heck was at my door. I opened the door with hesitation. Spain. His ghastly looks surprised me, along how he looked like an absolute train wreck.


"'s me....don't need to repeat my name." He's extremely salty today.

" stand in your doorway and give you attitude is not the reason I'm here today. Well.....I th-think Roma-" Spain held his hand onto his mouth, tears slowly going down his cheeks. His eyebrows dug into his forehead.

"Come inside....." I said, before pulling him from the doorway into the house. I helped him settle onto the couch where he started breaking down.

"I-I th-" He lost his breath again. I pat his back, then proceeding to get him water.

"Here, have some water." He slowly sipped from the cup, air bubbles forming in the water, probably from small hiccups. He suddenly took a large gulp of air.

"I-I think..... Romano.....disappeared...." My eyes widened. Does it have to do with Italy's death?

"Um....why do you think that...?" I asked, scared.

"He doesn't answer his phone. I went to his house and he didn't answer. So of course I broke down the door, just this once. I searched around his house. Nothing looked disturbed and everything seemed in place. I looked outside and nothing was disturbed either. So I called his phone again. I heard a vibrate right next to me and saw a phone on a beach chair. I then got worried and assumed that he somehow disappeared."

"Why didn't you try asking Italy...?" I asked him, trying to act innocent, like nothing happened.

"Germany......." Spain said in a serious voice. I gulped and looked at him dead straight in the eyes.

"He's dead....." I felt tears forming. I hated those two words.
He's dead.
He's dead.
I still refuse to accept this.

"I-I know......I was the first one to discover him." I wiped my eyes furiously.

"Do you think his death had something to with Romano's disappearance?" I weakly shrugged. It sounds like something magical, or.......supernatural...

"I really don't know.....but it's sounds like something-"

"England would know...." He finished. "WE NEED TO GO NOW!" (I'm so tempted to write: TO THE BATMOBILE)
I sighed, for I was too tired and drained of my emotion to go anywhere. Yet, I was too tired to protest either.


"NOW!!!!" His yelling shook the insides of my brain. I really wanted to scream no. But it will turn to a stupid argument where he'll probably win.

"Fine...." I said, with energy sucked out of my voice. End me please....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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