Black Walls

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Jungkook sat on the bed. He was all alone. There were no windows. The walls were black except one.

It was infront of him.

Full of pictures of him and his friends...

He looked around to see if there were any cameras. He found two pointin in opposite directions.


Jimin looked at the envelop in his hand with his name on it.

Părk Jĩmỉn

He was unsure of what to realy do. To go to the police or to friends?

He opened the envelop and took out a small note and a picture of Jungkook sleeping in a room.

Jimin read the note.

Do you know how to make Jungkook stop crying? Do I hit him or should I give him pills? What would you do Jiminie? You always know when to help Jungkook...

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