First Day of School

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Hi my name is I'm Karia~san 13 year old and this is my first day of school.

Mother- "Karia time for breakfast"

Karia- "I be right down mother". I'm normal tired in the morning but today is different. It the first day of  a new school. The only thing I know about that school it
a all girls . I got my uniform on it purple with a violet ribbon my hair was braids.
Time Skip: Rainbows Hills middle school I went to the front office to sign me in and to get my class schedule. Then I got my class schedule. So I went to look for my classroom and I bump into a girl with long brown hair in a ponytail with a red uniform with a pink ribbon.

Karia- "I'm so sorry " said while bowing "I was just looking for my classroom I'm new here". "By the way my name is Karia~san"

Yuli-" It okay " my name is Yuli~sun.  What room are you looking for?

Karia- "Room 221 Mrs. Nozmau"

Yuli- "I'm going there now follow me"

Karia- OK thanks you

Yuli- No problem while smiling

Mrs. Nozmau room:
Mrs. Nozmau- "Your late miss

Yuli- "Sorry Mrs.Nozmau I was just helping the new student".

Mrs.Nozmau : "OK go sit down in your seat"
Yuil sat down.
Class we got a new student her name is Karia~san go ahead.

Karia- Hi my name is Karia I'm 13 years old  I love music my favorite sport is soccer. Are there any questions.
A girl in a back raised her hand and ask " Do you like someone"?
Karia face went red and in shock of that question and said No. "I'm just going to sit down  now".
Go ahead miss Karia~san said Mrs Nozmau. And she sat down and class began. At the end of class Karia walk to her locker
to get ready to go home when Yuli came to her locker.

Yuil-Hey Karia do you want to hang out after school and meet my friends. If you don't mine.
Karia-sound like fun
Yuil-Great meet me at the train station at 4:30.
Karia-OK see you then
Yuli left and wave bye and smile.
Karia finish getting her stuff together and went home.
And wonder about what they will do and will Yuli friends would be her friends too.

I'm done with my first chapter of RBGZ (rainbow girls Z) please vote and comment. Love y'all.

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