Chapter 1

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"Louis!!" I hear my mom's voice call from downstairs. I groan to myself and roll out of my tiny, yet comfortable bed. While neatly tucking the corners of my bed sheet into the headboard, I take my time because this is the last morning that I will be completing this task for months.

"Louis!!" She calls again.

"I'm up!" I yell back. The cabinets open and close downstairs, the sounds of her frantically preparing breakfast. The knot in my stomach grows with each step to the bathroom, by the time I start the shower, it's nearly unbearable. I spent the last few years nervously anticipating college. My weekends were spent studying and preparing for this day while my peers were out getting drunk, wasting their time and jeopardizing their futures. The day my acceptance letter to Washington State University came I was thrilled, I expected it but that didn't take any of the excitement away. My mother cried for what felt like hours, and I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself. All my hard work finally paid off. I had once considered leaving Washington for college but eventually decided against it.. I like familiarity and routines just like my mother.

The hot water loosens my strained muscles, how long have I been in here? I hurry and wash my hair and body.

As I wrap the towel around my wet body, my mother calls my name again. I ignore her, I know she is nervous for my arrival day at college but I have had this day planned down to the hour, for months. My girlfriend Natalie will be here soon to ride with me and my mother. She is one grade younger than me and for the hundredth time I mentally scold her mother for putting her in Kindergarten a year late. Natalie keeps a perfect grade point average, she is brilliant and will be joining me at WSU next year. I do wish that she was coming now, especially considering that I won't know a single person at college. I just need a decent roommate, that's the only thing I am asking for.

"Louis Tomlinson!"

"I am coming down now, please don't call my name again!" I yell as I walk down the stairs.

Natalie is sitting at the table across from my mother, dressed in a blue blouse and khakis, her normal attire. Her blonde hair is brushed to perfection.

"Hey college boy," She smiles a bright, perfectly lined smile while standing to pull me into a tight hug.

"Hey," I give her an equally bright smile and fix my fringe as she releases me from her grip.

"Honey, we can wait a couple minutes while you fix your hair," My mom says quietly, running disapproving eyes over me.

I make my way to the mirror in the hallway and nod, she is right. My hair needs to be presentable for today, and of course she did not hesitate to remind me. She never does.

"I will help put your bags in the car." Natalie offers and picks up the keys from the table. With a quick kiss on my cheeks, she disappears from the room.

The butterflies in my stomach dance around as I walk to the car, at least I have two hours to make them disappear. I have no idea what college will be like, will I make friends?

~Author's Note:
I will try to update at least one chapter per day. That is if anyone actually wants me to, and if anyone will actually read this. If not, then I will just not update. I hope you guys will want this to continue.

-esme xx

After || Larry Stylinson Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang