A Hint of a Nightmare

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Not entirely sure how I feel about this chapter but let me know what you think :) Also next chapter we'll hear from Kean again, Breena has monopolized the last few chapters!


      I stand in front of Kean facing Cinis feeling his warm breath on my neck. I bend my left leg and he grabs onto my boot hoisting me up on three. I grab the reins and though Kean still has a hand on them I can feel the weight of Cinis, far more than that of any normal horse I have ridden. Kean squints up at me, "Can you hold him?" he asks, "I'll have to let go to get on."

      I bite my lip, "I think so," Kean raises an eyebrow at my answer. I try again, "I will," my voice is more assured than I feel.

      He nods slowly and lets go of the reins. Instantly I can feel just how hard Cinis is to hold, I can imagine that my shoulders would ache after just ten minutes. He mouths the bit his ears cocked back at me – appraising me – he pulls – testing me – I play with my reins to get his attention. He is strong, I hope he doesn't try anything else.

      I don't notice Kean settle behind me until his arms come around me caging me in and taking the reins; it is then that I feel his chest pressed against my back and his breath tickling my ear. Looking at his hands I can see the callouses that have been worn into his fingers that perfectly match the pull of the reins, I can see the bulge of his muscles and the way he runs his rings over Cinis's shoulder as he urges him into a walk.

      He waits until the barns and Allard's house are fading behind us before pushing Cinis into a smooth canter heading south for the cliffs. It has been a long time since I have ridden double with anyone and even then it was always my mother when I was first learning to ride. It is strange to not be in control of the horse's movements and to feel a body pressed so close to mine but in a way it is relaxing and exhilarating. I am more at ease with Kean than I am with anyone else lately, even my family.

      When we get to the cliffs Kean stops Cinis and pulls him into a circle, "Would you like to feel him run?" he asks.

      Excitement tingles down my spine and a grin splits my face, "Yes."

      As soon as the word leaves my lips Kean leans into my spine pushing me forward as well, I have just enough presence of mind to grab mane as he gives Cinis his head and presses against his side. Cinis lurches forward and even with many years of riding experience the only thing that keeps me in the saddle is Kean's hard body behind me and his arms caging me in; I have never been on a horse like this. I can hear Kean whispering words I can't quite catch and don't understand however Cinis's ears flick back to listen. The wind rushes by us and the ground blurs into a green-brown haze. I feel like I am flying and I can't help but laugh at the freedom of it, I can feel more than hear Kean's laughter behind me. We reach the cliff edge faster than I thought was possible and before I can brace myself Cinis sits back on his haunches and whirls around but Kean is prepared and his arms are like steal bands and keep me in place. Cinis launches forward once more and when Kean loosens his reins and presses him harder I discover that Cinis still has a whole other gear that is much faster.

      Kean draws him to a stop tracing his rings on Cinis's shoulder and humming quietly. Cinis slows to a prance still invigorated by the run, Kean circles him a few times before asking, "I've got to get down first, can you hold him?"

      I hesitate again, at the barn was one thing but here, on the edge of the ocean in the middle of the Tráth, I am unsure. I gently take the reins from Kean wiggling my fingers under his and I can once more feel just how much horse is under me, it thrills me and frightens me, "I can manage."

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