Update 2

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YOU GUYS IT'S BEEN SO LOOOOOONG SINCE I VISITED WATTPAD AND MY STORY HAS 2k VIEWS EVEN THOUGH I SCREAM AT EVERY SPELLING MISTAKE I DIDN'T GO OVER!!! THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS! My life's been pretty busy these days. I managed to build up the courage to audition for the school play. Apparently I passed with flying colours and we'll see the results soon. That means even more work ahead. I know I told some of you that I may be writing a chapter 3 but I don't think I'll be able to keep any promises regarding that. You see.. I've kinda lost my inspiration for this fandom. It's hard to write something you aren't familiar with anymore. My life was so depressing. I had slim to no friends and I relied on this fandom to make me happy. Now, I feel amazing. I haven't lost my depression but the level has decreased since I stopped being a little pussy and met some positive people who I now call my friends. Don't get me wrong, I still want to write. It'll take some more time is all. Hope you can be patient for me :) goodbye

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