That Was Close!

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(The teacher leads your class and you outside to the giant stone snake)

Teacher: Okay, class. Please sit with your groups I organised from Wednesday.

(Everyone sits with their groups)

Teacher: Now, everyone. I would like you to discuss with your group, about what you're going to do for the project. You may go anywhere within this marked area to talk.

(Within seconds, the whole area around the snake was full of loud chatter)

(C/N): Well, the theme is... (Blah, blah, blah)

(Y/N) (thinking): (Sigh)... why am I here? It's so awkward!! (Sigh)... but, if I leave... we might fail, and... I... I don't want to make him feel terrible... but, if I stay, I might make it awkward-er... and, if I tell him, he might yell at me! What do I do?

(C/N) stops talking and notices you deep in thought)

(C/N): Are you okay?

(This snaps you out of your train of thought)

(Y/N): Huh? Oh, sorry.

(C/N): Is everything alright?

(Y/N): Uh... yeah.

(C/N): Are you sure?

(Y/N): Yeah.

(Y/N) (thinking): Phew!! I almost told him!

(C/N) (thinking): Well, that was awkward!!

(Y/N): Sorry.

(C/N): Well, the theme is 'Saving Money', so I was thinking we could do a dog wash.

(You don't talk, just nod in agreement)

(You quickly look away, before blushing)

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