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Heya guyz! Im sorry I've been not updating anything fir the past weeks!

Here! Have a new oc! She's Vidge :3

Vidge: Hi hi hi! Well isnt this nice~ New people!


Vidge used to be a normal girl and had a friend named-
..... well... Vidge doesnt want anyone to know about her friend yet :T

Vidge: You're right about that X3 You'll never know. No one else will know.... Unless I make a few changes in my mind~

One day, Vidge and her friend got lost in a forest and soon found a bridge. They attempted to cross it but unfortunately, Vidge fell. Her friend hasnt seen her till this day, thinkin' that she died. But Vidge didnt really die coz she's immortal.

Yep! Ya heard me! Immortal! Vidge seems like an ordinary girl but she can turn into her true form (da pic above :3) whenever she wants. Truth be told, she is a creature of the dark. One who lives in the shadows, dark places, and loves to trick people at times but she'd never trick someone she trusts. Espacially if that someone is a friend of her's.


Welp! Dats all guyz :3

and here's da reason wai I didnt upadate thingz. Well ya see, our internet got cut off and now I have to go to my neighbor's place everytime I have to use the internet ;-;

oh and school's been a huge pain in the head! SOOO MANY QUIZES AND ASSIGNMENTZ! T^T

welp! I wont be on/active for  a long loong time again so yeah im sorry ;-;

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