Death Note: One-Shots

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Hey guys! Smithy here! Now I have just finished watching the anime 'Death Note' and it was amazing! Because I loved it so much and plan on re-watching it, I have decided to make a story of one-shots and my thoughts on it.

Now, this is my first time writing something like this so I'm gonna need help, a lot of help! So if you guys have any ideas or requests for me I will happily do it! Also if you do have a request, I will dedicate the chapter to you! So please! Comment away!

Requests can include anything. IMing ideas, questions for the characters, questions for me (but I don't know why you would ask me anything it is just an idea), my thoughts on particular scenes. ANYTHING! But if someone else has written something simiar, I will not write it or I will make it completely different to what they have written.

*Also please do not steal my work. It is mine and mine alone. Thank you!*

*I am also pointing out, that I DO NOT own Death Note or the characters!*

So I will try and upload a chapter either today or tomorrow. It may or may not be IMing.


Smithy out! *skips out of your bedroom waving like a maniac*

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