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So this is what I meant by the last chapter.  So know I'm gonna go onto the quirks the characters from Death Note actually have.  It will be the same characters from the last chapter but a few more may be added like Teru Mikami.  So here we go!

L:  His quirks really add to his personality and it makes you want to do those kind of things to!  (Unless you are a Light supporter, then maybe not so much.)

The way he sits - He sits balancing on his feet, with his knees brought up to his face.  He always sits like that because "his deduction level will decrease by 40% if he didn't".  It takes a while to get used to yourself but it definitely is fun to do!  (A.N. I am sitting like L as I write this so yeah that's what I mean)

His obsession with sweet food and drink - All he ever eats is sweets, cakes and chocolates!  And he puts so much sugar into his tea and coffee, it actually starts to pile up and fall out of his cup!  I wish I could get away with doing this but no. :(

His thumb biting - Well he isn't really biting his thumb when he puts it into the corner of his mouth but I didn't know how else to describe it!  When he is thinking (which he does a lot) his thumb is always in the corner of his mouth and he even talks like that sometimes as well.  (A.N. OK I admit I do this too!  Don't judge me!)

Near:  His quirks are similar to L's but minus the thumb biting.

The way he sits - When he is sitting on the floor, playing with his toys, one leg (usually left) is pulled up so he can rest his head on his knee and the other leg is on the ground, almost sprawling there if that makes sense?  Oh well, that is how I am gonna describe it.

His obsession with toys - He loves toys!  Even at his age he still plays with them!  But as I said in the last chapter he looks really young for his age, so I guess he can get away with it!  His favourite toys, as far as I can gather from other fanfics is robots.  But robots are cool!

Mello:  He is addicted to chocolate and he-

Mello>  Did someone say chocolate?!

Me>  Not now Mello!  I'll give you some chocolate later if you go away!

Mello>  *pulls out gun*  Don't tell me what to do!  But fine!  As long as it is a big bar!

Me>  Sure, sure!  Whatever!  Now can I get back to this?

Mello>  Go for it.

Me>  Thanks.

. . . Anyway.  Where was I?  Oh yeah!  He loves chocolate and he doesn't eat much else.  Similar to L but still different.

His chocolate eating habits - He snaps off every bit of chocolate very loudly!  It is the only way you should ever eat chocolate!  Also, never EVER take away his chocolate or eat it!  I don't think I need to explain why.

Matt:  Gaming!

His games - His beloved game boy!  His games!  Need I say much more?

Light:  His dramatic writing and love for potato chips.

Dramatic writing - When he first starts using the Death Note, and goes on a crazy killing spree, he actually drags the pen off of the page!  Arm workout!  Also Teru Mikami does something very similar.

Potato chips - I'll take a potato chip . . . AND EAT IT!

Misa:  Quirks?  I don't think she really has any so I'm gonna say her obsession with the love of her life, Light.  :)

Light - She loves Light so much!  It's almost annoying!  Almost because it's so funny to see Light get uncomfortable and squirm whenever she says something like "soul-mates" and lovey-dovey stuff like that.

Matsuda:  No quirks for me to write about!  :(  I'll edit this if I think of any or comment if you can think of any.  Thanks!  It will be helpful.  :)

Ryuk:  His love of apples.  And how interesting he finds humans.

Apples - They are better in the human world rather than where the shinigami live.  Juicy and delicious!  Yep!  Just casually throw an apple in the air and it will disappear!  If that happens you know Ryuk is close by!

Interesting humans - He says quite a few times in the anime that "humans are so interesting".  I can't disagree with that.  We are pretty interesting creatures, and to a shinigami we must be even more interesting.

Teru Mikami:  DELETE!

DELETE! -  Whenever he writes someones name in the Death Note, he dramatically yells "DELETE!"  I find it quite cool actually!  Such an awesome quirk!

Well, that was interesting to write about!  I really enjoy writing these kind of one-shots so I'm thinking of doing a few more like this!  Maybe one on their clothes and another on their laughs.  I'll probably think of other things I could do as well!

As always I am always open to request!

Also please check out iLiVe4GaMeS!  She is an amazing writer and she is so cool!  I love her stories so much and she doesn't know this (or anyone else for that matter) but she is what made me want to write a Death Note: One-Shots in the first place!  So please check her out!

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  And this is also the second chapter I have uploaded in one day!  I must be a genius or something!  . . . Nah no one could be as much of a genius as L!

So I'll see you soon in my next chapter!

Art out!  *Skips out of your room eating cake*

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