Less Sulking; More Solving

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Chapter 2

John Watson was an observant man. However, his flat mate would say otherwise. “You see John; but you don’t observe.” has become the motto for this week. Sherlock on the other hand always went to the store to get things he needed; not what was a necessity. Like sugar, or milk. So John always had to run back out again.

            On the way back this time, he did in fact observe something on Baker Street that he was positive that was not there before. As well as a familiar black car.

            “Sherlock? Have you noticed the-“ He asked opening up the door to his shared flat. All the curtains were pulled and the lights were off. “No- of course not.” Sherlock; John now saw after opening the curtains, was laying on his couch with his eyes shut. He put his items away and waved his hand over his face. “Are you actually sleeping for once?”

            “No.” came the annoyed voice of his flat mate. “Meditation. Same results without the waste of time. Now if you please.” He gestured his hand toward the curtains.

            John didn’t close the curtains. Instead he looked out them again, he had never noticed the police box. Maybe it was always there, he thought; he possibly couldn’t miss something so.. blue. “I’m sure I just saw Athena.” He commented.


            “You know her; tall, brunette, pretty, always on her phone.” He looked over to obviously see Sherlock wasn’t caring. “Wears heels, works as a part-time clown, oh- look now shes even doing handstands on the corner there.” He sighed. “She’s Mycroft’s secretary?” He emphasized.

            “Mycroft?!” Sherlock asked sitting up sharply. “Here to ask for another favor?”  He said dripping with detest.

            “Well if he is, at least make yourself presentable.” John said sitting down in his chair, alluding to Sherlock’s’ choice of attire. “That’s how we lost that case earlier.”

            “That case was boring.”

            “That case and all the cases Sherlock, pay the rent.”

            “What are you going to do about it? Solve one by yourself like last time?”

            “You’re not still upset that I actually took that case from Mycroft? You realize you can’t just shrug him off?

            “I can try.”

            “Of course you can.”

            The two flat mates regarded each other in silence; until it seemed like the wind was picking up and started to howl.

            “Besides I think I have found a case of my own.”

            “Hm. Right. Well you’ll have to work on it by yourself tonight.” John said getting up to make a pot of tea. God, did he need it.

            “Please don’t tell me you are going on another date with- which one is it this time?” Sherlock asked moving just to sit in his chair.

            “Her name is Sarah, Sherlock. You’ve met her.” He replied, receiving a blank look in return.

            Just the simplest things, he thought. “The one that noticed that one of the ciphers were decoded.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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