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Lizzy's POV
"Sirius come on!" I yell up the stairs. "I'm coming." He says as he comes down. "God you take forever." "Oh hush. Let's go." We walk out the door and go to the underground. We get to the Leaky Cauldron and go to the back. "What-" I start to ask before Sirius tells me to be quiet. He pulls out his wand and taps the bricks. Then he steps back as the wall opens. "Wow..." I say. "Let's go." He says. We walk through the archway and I glace back to see it closing. Then I start looking around at everything. "It's amazing here. How come we've never come here before?" I ask. "Because it's dangerous." He says. "How-" "I'll explain when we get home. Now, where do you want to go first?" "Ollivander's!" "Alright. Let's go after we get your money." So we quickly go to Gringott's and then we go to Ollivander's. It seems empty when we walk in. "Where's-" I start to say before Ollivander appears. "Ah hello. First year I presume?" He says. "Yes sir." Well, let's see what we can find for you." Then he goes to the back and grabs a wand. "Try this one." I wave it and it shatters a vase. He takes it back and hands me another one. This time it breaks a ladder. I try several wands. Then he hands me one and I can feel a strange energy go through the room. "Wow..." I whisper. "Elm, 12 and a half inches, phoenix tail feather. Excellent wand." He says. "It's beautiful..." "Yes it will help you immensely. May I speak with you in private?" He says the last bit to Sirius. "Of course. Lizzy, why don't you go look at animals. I'll be there in a few minutes." "Ok." I leave the shop.

Sirius's POV
"I know that it's you." Ollivander says. "How?" I ask. "Dumbledore told me that she would be with you." "But how does he know that?" "He knows everything Sirius. Surely you remember that. Now, how is it that she is with you and not Harry?" "I was one of the only people that knew that Lily had another child. They kept her a secret because they knew that Voldemort was hunting them. After he attacked, I was the first person there. I grabbed Lizzy and then Hagrid arrived. I tried taking Harry but he wouldn't let me. After he left, I took Lizzy to my house." "How have you survived?" "I stayed hidden. Lizzy hasn't really been out of the house. I kept her safe and healthy. Yes, there were times when she was frustrated, but it was for her own good." "Well I wish you luck." I pay him for the wand and leave.

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