Chapter Nineteen: Give It A Rest

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Alex and Dexter arrive at the school. The bell rings

Dexter: Oh shit I can't be late or my parents will kill me

Alex: That's why you were in a rush?

Dexter: Yeah well I'll see you ok

He kisses her then runs inside. She gets off the scooter then heads inside, taking her time. She starts walking down the hall then suddenly runs to the bathroom, goes in a stall, and vomits. After she's done she flushes the toilet and wipes her mouth. She gets up, walks to the sink, and washes her hands. Steph walks in. Alex glares then looks back at the mirror as she rinses her mouth

Steph: Were you throwing up? Wow you've been with Dexter for how long and you're already knocked up? So sad how you can't keep your legs closed

Dad: Don't let those assholes control you, you control them. You make them feel like shit like they did to you

Alex: Speaking of legs being closed

She gets in her face

Alex: I know about you and Keith

Step has a guilty look on her face

Alex: And you have a boyfriend? Now that's sad. Congrats on being the new highschool slut

Steph gives her a disgusted look

Alex: Doesn't feel good; does it?

Alex walks pass Steph

Alex: Oh by the way I threw up because I couldn't stand the sight of you and Zack when knowing you're sleeping with his best friend...ouch

Steph glares at her

Steph: You're going to regret saying that to me

Alex: Give it a rest, I'm not scared of you or your fuck boy. You even try anything with me, I will make you regret it and trust me. You don't want to cross me... Whore

Alex walks to the door and leaves

Steph: You've been with Dexter for how long and you're already knocked up

Steph: Already knocked up

She looks down and puts her hands on her stomach

Alex: Oh my...

Someone puts their arm over her shoulder, making her jump. She looks and it's Zack

Zack: Hey buddy it's been a long time

She glares

Alex: Get your hands off me asshole

Zack: What the fuck did you say?

He puts her against the wall

Alex: Really? This again?

He slowly puts his hands on her throat

Zack: Keep talking shit

She smirks

Alex: Did you know your girlfriend is cheating on you

He laughs

Zack: You are just asking for it

He begins to choke her

Alex: With Keith

His face expression changes

Alex: Oh so you already know?

She smacks his hands off her neck

Alex: Good

She walks away, her shoulder hits his as he glares at her

After School...

Alex goes to the door where the club is. She gets ready to grab the knob but then thinks of Dexter then her dad so she walks away

Before Alex goes home she goes to a drug store. She starts looking around when she comes across pregnancy tests. She grabs one and looks at it


She looks and sees some lady looking at her, judging her

Alex: What the hell are you looking at? I'm twenty one bitch

She walks away

Alex: Bitch...

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