I had a friend once

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I had a friend once, she went by Jesse. She was scared of pineapples because it was the 'evilist fruit out there.' I miss that girl. I wonder where she is.

I had a friend once, she went by Jazz. I never did find out if she ate cake for me on her birthday. I'm hoping she did. She once 'gave birth to my two kids' Yet I was 'cheating on her with Andy Ballsack.'(I hope i made y'all angry af) Those were the good days.

I had a friend once, he went by Brandon. He was rather strange, but I loved that about him. I remember we got together once, that was the shortest relationship I've ever had to be honest. We were meant to be friends. He got hurt a lot, yet it wasn't always there for him.

I had a friend once, he went by Carson. He ate all of my curly fries once, i ended up biting his arm causing him to bleed. I told that asshole not to touch my food. You know, i don't really wonder why we lost contact anymore. Eh.

Go ahead and listen to the song pasted onto this chapter, because lets face it, you have nothing better to do.

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