The Beginning of the End

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It was the first day of school in 2016. Typhoid Gamcow was nervous, but excited to see her friends.
"Bye, mom!" She said as she stepped out of her truck. Typhoid entered the school and found her locker upstairs.
Typhoid's locker was at the end of the hall, right across from the bathrooms. She put her bag in her locker and went in the bathroom to check her makeup.
"I'm gorgeous," she said to herself. All of a sudden, the toilet flushed and startled her. Nobody came out. Typhoid pushed the stall door to find nothing.
"Weird," she said. Typhoid walked back to her locker to grab her 46 cow awards to show off on the first day of school. As she was putting the last medal on, she noticed nobody else was in the hallway. She pulled out her phone to take a brief and disturbing picture of herself as water gushed out of the bathroom and quickly engulfed her in water; Typhoid promptly drowned to death.
When investigators entered the scene they could not find any trace of Typhoid's body and was later reported to missing persons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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