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Ragini’s pov.

I was sitting in my room with my sister and she is talking about Sanskar. My fiancé.

While we were talking my phone ranged and it was his call.

I went out towards the balcony and answered the call.

“Hey Ragini. Can we meet at *** place at 8.” He asked.

As a good girl I have no thing to answer else then yes.

As my parents don’t want him to reject me. And wanted me to get married asap.

But i don’t like him.
I can never like him.
Sanskar also didn’t love me but he keeps on making our relation well.

He keeps trying and I help him tough. For my parents.

I agreed and cut the call.

“Meet you at *** place at 8” i texted to LOVE.

The person whom i love.
I wanted to go out today to meet him and Sanskar only helped me.

I told this to my sister and my family. They agreed as Sanskar will be with me.

I wore a kurti with salwar and red dupatta. I know my family don’t like those clothes. My sister Kavya helped me in packing those party clothes in a packet for me.

I left to the club.
But stopped in a mall. And changed in the washroom.

I was about to exit but stopped on seeing Laksh. I blushed on seeing him and went near him.

“I love you, Laksh” I said and hugged him from behind.

To be contined..

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