Run Away. (Timmy Rasmussen Fanfic.)

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Gia never really had a very good life. She was miserable, didn't have many friends, her parents were split up, and her dad was never there. She was completely sick of all of it, she couldn't take it anymore, she cried herself to sleep almost every night, she hurt herself all the time, she thought about suicide more than anyone should, she wanted out. It was late at night, about 1am, on a Saturday, and she laid in bed texting two of her four best friends, three lived in her state, the other lived in California. She finally decided she knew what she had to do, to get away, she'd run away. She knew she needed to be careful, because if she got caught, she'd be beaten, worse than ever before. Quietly, she got up going to her closet, and grabbing her backpack, then reached up onto the shelf at the top, and grabbed the small box that had money in it, took the money out and shoved it into her pocket,she didn't have much to take, so she quickly collected the band shirts, skinny jeans, and pj pants from her dresser, shoving them into the bag. She grabbed her beanie off her bed and pulled it onto her head.Then grabbed the two pairs of vans off the floor, pushing one pair into her bag, and pulling the other onto her feet. She grabbed out two hoodies, and put one in her bag and put one on. She took a breath, and zipped the bag, then quietly, slowly walked to her door, she pulled it open a bit, peaking out, to make sure no lights were on, when she was sure that nobody was up, she closed her door all the way and walked over to the bed. She picked up her bag, and slowly walked over to the window, sliding it up, and looking out. She pushed the bag out the window, and dropped it onto the ground, the began climbing out, legs first, she pushed herself out, until her feet hit the ground. She picked up her bag, put it on her back, and started walking toward the road, when she reached it, she ran as fast as she could, until she couldn't anymore, then she slowed to a walk. Walking down the road that seemed never ending until she finally reached town, she went to a bench and sat down, not having a clue what to do next, or where to go, just knowing she was finally free, and wouldn't have to live in hell anymore. She looked around, and nobody was out, of course they aren't its almost 3 in the morning who would go out at this time. She sighed pulling her legs up onto the bench, and wrapping her arms around them, trying to keep warm. She hugged herself tightly, pulling the hoodie against her more, and pulling the hood up, over her beanie, and closed her eyes, knowing it would be a long night. Feeling the wind blow in the cold winter weather made her shiver, winter was almost over, so it wasn't terribly cold, but it was cold enough to bother her. Although she'd rather be cold then be at home, she wished she had somewhere to go. She looked around again, seeing a little coffee shop, with it's lights on and it's OPEN sign lit up. She stood up, and began walking over to it quickly walking across the empty road. She reached the door, and put her hand on the cold metal handle, the windows of the shop were decorated with snowflakes and other winter things, which made it look welcoming, she pulled the door open, hearing a little bell ring, she stepped in, letting go of the door and hearing it close behind her. She looked around the shop, there were tables and chairs, and booths, and stools up by the counter you order at, which she assumed were for costumers who wanted to chat with the employees, she decided to sit up there, thinking that a little company wouldn't be bad, the shop was completely empty, except for a younger girl who stood at the cash register, staring blankly at the tv, that showed some cartoon. She walked over then sat down on one of the stools, looking over at the girl, who had just noticed she was there, the girl had long blonde hair, with blue streaks through it, and wore thick eyeliner, she walked over to Gia and gave her a small smile.

"You're out late." She said, with the smile still applied. Gia looked at the girls name tag, which said, McKenzie.

Gia smiled back at her, "Yeah I uh, took a walk.." She trailed off at the end.

McKenize looked at the bag on her back "A walk with a big bag?" She asked.

Gia nods and says "yeah" quietly. 

McKenize looked at Gia, staring at her really and said quietly "Did you run away?"

Gia only looked and her and nodded slowly.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" She asked Gia.

Gia shook her head and quietly said "No." 

McKenize sighed, then said "You could stay here with me the night, I have to work all night so I'll be the only one here, not many people stop by. My names McKenize by the way, what's yours?"

Gia looked at her, to make her she actually meant this, then said "I'm Gia, and I'd really like that actually..." 

She glanced over at the door quickly, then looked back at Gia and said "Actually, I have a few friends you could probably stay with, they live down in Indiana, but I can take you down there after my shift is over, it's not too far. Are you hungry?" 

Gia shook her head "No I'm not, but what if they don't want me staying with them?" She asked.

"They will. They don't mind. They're pretty cool, and they're in a band." McKenize replied.

"Well what's their names?" Gia asked.

"You'll probably stay with Clayton and Timmy, but you'll see Brady, Dalton, and Drew a lot too." She said, smiling.

"Oh alright." Gia said, looking at her hands, that rested on the table.

"Yeah, you can get some sleep if you want, I'm sure you'll need it." McKenize said looking at Gia.

Gia looked back up at McKenize and asked "Where do I sleep?" 

"Right there I guess. Nobody really comes in here so you'll be fine there, or on the ground I guess if you'd like that better?" McKenize replied. 

"Oh I'll just.. right here I guess." She said, laying her head on the table.

McKenize laughed quietly and said "Alright, I'll wake you up before we go then." and walked back over closer to cash register, sitting on the counter, and looking at the tv, waiting for her shift to be over, in about four more hours. 

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