Gas Station Run In

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Name: Ice Snow

Age: 22

Hair color: White

Eye color: Blue

Birth Name: Noah Dylan Michaels

Outfit: Black/white striped shirt, purple leather jacket, Black belt, bright red and black pants, white boots.

Mask: ???

Height: 4'10

Weight: 133

Chapter 1.

'It has been quite a few years since everything in battery city went to crap. B.L.I is still trying to convince everyone that everything is perfect, but outside the city, they are still hunting the few killjoys. I would have thought there would be more. I mean, after the album danger days came out, all the fans of whoever made it said they wanted to become killjoys, but the time is here, is has been here for 3 years. And they all got to scared. But that doesn't mean anything anymore, I should just be lucky to be alive' I wrote into a notebook i had found a few weeks ago on a raid. All that i can say is that the raid didn't go as planned.

I dusted off my boots once i had left my red challenger. I looked around the small gas station, making sure there was no dracs, scarecrows, or fellow killjoys. Since no one was around i took off my mask and threw it into the back seat of my car and trudged into the building.

"This place better have food" i grumbled as i searched the shelves all throughout the store. Nothing, there was nothing. It had been weeks since i have eaten and i was about to turn to cannibalism, but that wouldn't help either. I walked back outside and grabbed my purple killjoy jacket and shrugged it on as i grabbed a small pillow and walked back inside the gas station. As i guessed when i was younger, The desert would be scorching in the day, while at night it would be freezing. I walked behind the cashier's desk and made a small bed there for the night. I glanced at my watch that still somewhat worked, the time read 9:23pm. If i was to stay up any later i would be tired tomorrow, and i couldn't afford that. After doing one more look, making sure no one was here, i layed down and closed my eyes, falling asleep soon after.

I awoke to the sound of a car engine from a distance. I shot up fearing the worst and grabbed my pink ray gun and headed outside. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have some company, but these men didn't seem very friendly. All i could see was 4 men. 2 where in the back of the car, one was driving, and the other had his torso showing on the top of their car. The two in the back both had on similar helmets. The one with the yellow helmet says "Good Luck" in white, bold letters. He was wearing a sleeveless, almost cheetah print shirt, but not quite cheetah. While the other had on a, almost astronaut helmet. He was wearing a black leather jacket with with an american flag on the back, and a white spider on top. The man driving had a frankenstein mask on, with a black jacket with yellow stripes on the shoulder. Now the one driving, now that i can see him better, i'm pretty sure its a lady. She has bright red hair with black roots growing in, clearly the undersides of her hair shaved off, and a bright yellow mask, along with a red jacket.

"What are they thinking they are going to give my position away!" I screamed as i caught the red hairs attention. She pointed her ray gun at me and yelled "hands up!" as their car slowed down and pulled into the gas station. I raised my hands up once they stopped and they started getting out one by one. After a silence of having four guns pointed at me, i raised an eyebrow and had an idea.

"Are you just going to point those guns at me and stand there, or are you going to shoot me?" I said slowly attempting to get my gun with my foot. "What's it to you... uhh?" The redhead trailed off, either he was looking for my gender, or my name "Snow, Female" I replied picking up my gun. "Put the gun down miss!" the man with the frankenstein mask yelled. I nearly rolled my eyes as i turned around and reached for my ipod out of my backpack. "We all know you're not going to shoot me frank"

Snow in the Zones (Fun Ghoul x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora