Chapter 2

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Aelin hopped down off Kasida, her riding boots sank into the marshy terrain. A Hawks cry sounded a couple of kilometres back, Through the crystallised trees. Whist chuckling to herself, she handed her Asterion horse to the stable hand and murmured thanks to the boy and swaggered off inside of the castle. Rowan still couldn't beat her and Kasida, he even had his wind magic on his side. 

He lost the bet so he had to pay up. But she couldn't help but laugh under her breath for the next hour everything reminded her about the ride back. But the message in a bottle, it was troubling. The ink letters were scribbled as if in a rush. She couldn't make out what language it was she would have to travel to the high priestesses. With those thoughts Aelin disappeared in her room and spent the next two hours with her head in a book. Dreading the hours of court and dreading what the message would mean for Terrasan


Aelin woke up with a book across her face, she could tell because of the weight and the blurry words that she could only just make out above her eyes. She got up and took a bath, immediately after she dipped herself in the warmth of the water Aelin thought about the message. Troubled she was chased out of the bath before she wanted. Aelin spent the rest of her evening getting ready for court.

Rowan came through a short minute after she had arrived. Mischief had grinned at her through his eyes knowing he had lost the bet. Her body quaked at what would be waiting for her in the Queen's quarters. As Aelin's toes curled a smile had spread across her face, the same smile was still plastered there after a couple of hours. She ordered for a new home to be built for the woman who had lost her old house to an avalanche. Than tended to her country for the rest of the day. While listening to rather boring stories she couldn't keep her mind from wandering elsewhere.

Lasandra had fashioned Aelin's dress, Pine green with snow white gradient dress, a low back with a low front. Her hair lay on her right shoulders in a fashionable twist, her crown of fire lay on her golden head. The dress hung to her curves showing off her woman's body, but it didn't matter the gown was the most colourful thing in court and she didn't give a shit about what other people thought about how tightly the fabric stuck to her. Lifting her head above her shoulders, Aelin stared down everybody who stared to long. She was a Queen nobody could tell her what to do.


Aelin pushed against a door, the hinges moving smoothly through their grip on a wall, and stepped into her chamber. Gold glinted in her eyes; momentarily blinding her. As the light cleared, the breath was knocked out of her lungs. Even after all these years her chambers still overwhelmed her. Moonlight was cascading through the crested windows making the flame design wave and flicker on the floor and walls. The bedroom looked like a living flame.

She spotted the bed trapped amongst the beauty and was overcome by the need to sleep. But what she did not spot was Rowan, she caught his scent just as his hand wrapped around her waist. And for once she let him lead her through the night.

As she was lying on the mattress caressing a flame Aelin realised for the first time she felt content.


Aelin awoke confused and angry after another one of her nightmares. Sweat rolled down her underclothes. Feeling a little too much like blood. Bile rose up into her throat but she swallowed it back down. She shuddered at the thought of the vivid dream. Screams rose from inside her head darkness climbing into her vision. Her breath came in gasps and she was back-

back into the concrete box with the mask over her face, the light fading taking what every feeling of hope with it. A gurgling scream erupted from the dark depths of her soul. Panic seized her body, her back in agonizing pain. Aelin knew only strips remained of her back. Nails lashed out out the cage in fear and spite. but instead of a cold grey prison Aelin found soft curtains.

Real, this is real. I escaped I made it out. Maeve is dead. She stuffed the feeling to cower deep inside of her and focused on reality. The sun's rays bloomed from the curtains like a new leaf flower. She remembered. Aelin remembered that she was not in Maeve's clutches and that she was in Orynth. Feeling filled with optimism, all fear forgotten, Aelin carefully raised from the bed; Nevertheless, Rowan woke with warrior precision.

"Nightmares?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

"Yes, but i'm fine. I'm fine" Aelin repeated the last words as if comfort for herself. Sensing the doubt Rowan rose from the bed and wrapped her in his warmth.

"No one will ever take you from me, not now, not ever."

"And if they will?" I said with a shaky gasp.

"Then I will tear apart the world to find you"

At those words Aelin's heart swelled with love, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. Rowan wrapped his hand around her waist. It was a comforting touch, for all I had been through, for all I have done and somebody still loved me for who I am. Tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill over. I muttered a string of curses and wiped them away, a smile dawned on my lips and I realised the same smile dawned on Rowan's. Im home, I thought. Finally home.



Strands of gold and silver swished through the brush, half of her hair was thrown onto her shoulder as the brush wept through the silky mess created straight colour down to below her shoulders. I knew that I had to be down in the grand hall for breakfast. Working quickly my hands braided the golden and silver mess into a soft plait and I threw on a summer dress of sky blue and pearlescent white. The silk slippers silently clashed with the marble floor in a hurried form. I was going to be late again. Nodding to every servant as I slipped through the levels to the grand hall. A special smile to Dimitri, the stable hand, my only friend apart from Lasandra. Though you couldn't count my maiden nurse.

Being only eight she surprised people by how much she could understand and influence people's thoughts and decisions. Elentiya dared not to ever try it on Dimitri, fearing her only friend her age would disappear out of spite.

Only a few strides in front of her the oak doors loomed above her. Walking hurriedly the last few fox lengths she pushed through the doors. The wood slithering smoothly underneath her hands as if sensing the power lying beneath the surface of her skin. Aelin looked up from upon her seat and raised her eyebrows in greeting.

"Good morning mother-' Elentiya gasped through the heaviness of her chest and quickly added a nod at Rowan and said "Father".

Elentiya moved gracefully towards her seat, the summer dress swishing across the floors, and took a seat on the worn pine wood chair. The King and Queen exchanged glances, a quiet conversation between them. More like an argument and like usual Aelin won. Her turquoise eyes slide over to me, assessing me with the same eyes that I wore ever since I was born. Feeling uncomfortable, my back straightened on instinct.

"Elentiya, I have decided-" a quick glance at Rowan, "We have decided" She corrected herself. "To give you a gift" Her hands reached up and gracefully like unhooked a chain.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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