The lonnnnnnnnggggggg journey

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When my mom shook me awake it was still dark outside. I groaned and went under my covers, but she yanked them off

"Get up"

"Ughh its tooooooo early"

"Come on the faster you get up the faster you can go to sleep in the car"

When she said that I got a move on. I jumped in the shower and got dressed in yellow shorts and a ruffled white shirt. I was so glad I grabbed an outfit before I packed.

As soon as I was done we took off. I would not cry I chanted to myself. But as we pulled away they spilled over.

I cried for my friends I lost after my father died

I cried because of my breakup with Jack

I cried for the house that I lived in my whole life

I cried for the girl I used to be.

My mom rubbed my arm and said it was okay to cry, so I did. I cried myself to asleep. When I woke up we still were driving and it was dark.

"How much longer?"

"About 30 mins, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay I guess"

I dozed off and when I awoke we were at our new house, it was amazing and huge. We got out and headed inside we explored and I spied the room I wanted. The walls were painted lavender it had a small dresser and chest at the foot of the bed. I walked in more and saw a walk-in closet and a bathroom with a hot-tub like bath.

I walked to my moms room and saw it was the same as mine but the walls were a light grey color.We walked back downstairs and decided to go out to eat. I got my jacket and phone and headed out.We ended up going to a pizza parlor, and ordering a pizza to share.

"So how do you like the house darling?"

"Its beautiful mom, I feel like this place is going to be good for us"

"Well you better hurry we need to go school shopping since you'll start school on monday"

I hated school but then again who didn't? I ate my pizza and silence and thought about monday that was in 2 days I wasn't ready! I heard the front door jingle but remained eating, I suddenly smelt the most amazing smell ever, it was like oranges and mint. It smelt delicous. I looked up when the scent passed and saw a broad shouldered man with dirty blonde curls and a leather jacket and boots.

I wanted to see his face and as if he was reading my mind he turned and I think I went to heaven.

He had plumpest pink lips that I wanted to Crystal, your a virgin stop it! I gave my self a pep talk before I looked any further.

His nose was slightly crooked but that gave him a more rugged look. When I got to his eyes my whole world froze they were like sea and I felt like I was drowning in them, they had specks of gold and I never wanted to look away.

He smiled at me and I gasped at his sexiness, and he knew this and showed it by winking at me. I blushed but I couldn't look away. Then I heard boyfriend by Justin Bieber and realized it was my phone, I looked away and answered my mom had left to go talk to someone but when she came back she grabbed my hand and led me out, but not before I saw sexy mystery man eyes blazing with anger

Whats his problem?

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