Chapter 6; Too Awkward to Like Too Good to Stop

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Disclaimer: Please be aware that this chapter elevates very quickly, so be prepared for some turns. Also, now that this chapter is up, I won't be taking any other suggestions I get for this, but you are still welcomed to comment what you would like to see happen and I will do my best to add it to future chapters. There are a few ideas that I didn't manage to squeeze in here, so they will be in the next chapter. Enjoy!
Draco stormed back into the Slytherin common room. He marched back to the couch he was sitting on, the same one that Harry and Ron sat on when they were disguised as Crabbe and Goyle. He sat down next to Pansy, which he quickly regretted.

"What's wrong, Draco? Who was it?" Pansy cooed.

"Who do you think? Weasel and Potter claim that I kissed him!" Draco snapped back.

Blaise came over and added to the heated conversation. "Kissed who?" he asked calmly, a smirk settling on his face.

"Potter!" Draco yelled. He was so annoyed. "They think they can just come in here and say that I kissed him? Ridiculous! Absolutely insane!"


"What a lying prat!" Harry said. "He kissed me in the Room of Requirement, I swear!"

"We believe you, Harry." Ginny said. Hermione nodded in agreement. Harry was so heated that he wanted to start an argument. He let all of his feelings out before he could stop them.

"Oh, please. You, I don't even want to talk to you. I don't want to be near you! Little Miss 'Harry-broke-up-with-me'! Why are you here? I don't want you anymore, Ginny." he exploded. "You mean nothing to me!" Harry watched Ginny, who at the moment, looked like a wet sponge. She felt Angry, upset and worthless.

The common room got very quiet very fast. Harry who was still watching Ginny, who was looking at Hermione speechlessly, who was looking at Ron, who was watching Harry along with the other Gryffindors, wanted nothing less than to be alone.


Draco, as much as he wanted to be mad, couldn't help but feel upset. He walked away from Blaise and Pansy who were silently watching him leave. He walked down several dark corridors, unaware of anything around him.

He was in deep thought about Harry. Had I really kissed him? No, I know that for a fact. But then why would he say that? Does he want me to kiss him? Cause I will...

Draco found himself on the floor in front of a portrait of a fat lady. Gryffindor tower. He rose from the ground and turned to walk away, but she started to call after him.

"Hey, stop right there!" she said. Draco turned to look at her, and rolled his eyes.

"You know, not everyone has the time to sit around and talk to paintings." Draco said, trying again to walk away.

"Well, not every painting has time to deal with rude children. Password?"

"You're a pain in the arse." he said and strode away. He carefully exited the castle, so he wouldn't be seen. He went all the way over to the quidditch pitch and sat with his back facing the castle.


Harry watched a tear escape Ginny's doting eyes. The room stayed awfully quiet. Harry exited the common room. He didn't want to stay in there any longer than he already had. He knew Ron and Hermione were close behind him; he could hear their rushing footsteps. Eventually, they caught up.

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