Getting Ready & The Sleepover

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Hey. I'm Ashley Mathews. My best friend is aspen cooper. My two other friends are Sandy Rogers and Ariana Singh. You'll find out more about me if you keep scrolling😊.

Me: hola, hey, what's up, hey dude.
I say talking to my mirror.

really? Talking to your mirror? Honestly I don't know why I see this as a surprise.
Aspen says like a smart mouth.

Me: well I really like this guy and so I want to say hi in a unique way.

Aspen: fine. Says aspen in a sassy way.

New setting: Kyle Hollins house.

Kyle: ugh I cannot wait to see Ashley! I'm so excited for our date.

Ashton: hey didn't she ask you out?

Kyle: yea so what? I think it was pretty cool actually.

Ashton: oh no reason. Hey uh is this thing actually a date?

Kyle: well I don't know if Ashley considers it as a date but I kinda do.

Ashton: well yall are just studying sooooooo.

Kyle: yea well its probably better than what your doing tonight.

Ashton: true that, true that.

( I was not sure to put true that or whatever, I thought whatever was more of a sassy girl)

Kyle's phone makes a noise

Kyle: hey hand me my phone.
His eyebrows raise.
My grandma just got in a car crash!
OK we got to go come on. Here -he hands Ashton his phone-, text Ashley -he let's out a sigh- tell her I gotta cancel.

New setting: Ashley's bathroom


Aspen: well if you would stop moving then it would not hurt as bad!

-Ashley's phone goes off-

Ashley: hey can you get that?

Aspen: yea sure
Oh. Uh hey Ashley.

Ashley: yea?

Aspen: well uh Kyle has to cancel for tonight.

Ashley: what?! Did he say what happened?

Aspen: yea his grandma just got in a car crash.

Ashley: oh no that's horrible!! Tell him I said I'm coming.

New setting: Ashley's car

Ashley: Ugh this is taking so long.
They stop at a red light.
She looks in the review mirror.
Ashley: HOLD ON!!!

New setting: the hospital -waiting room-

Kyle: I hope Ashley gets here soon.

Ashton: I hope aspen gets here soon. He says in a dreamy voice.

Kyle: wait what?!

Ashton: oh nothing...

Kyles phone goes off

New setting: the car crash

(FYI Kyle got the text from a couple -Rebecca and robert- that pulled over)

Kyle: ashley? Ashley where are you???

The couple: oh they just took her into the ambulance with her friend.

Kyle: ok thank you. And you guys are?

The couple: I'm Rebecca, and I'm Robbert. I'm guessing you were the one we texted from your friends phone?

Kyle: yes. Do you guys still have her phone? And uh what condition was the dirty blonde hair girl in? (Ashley)

The couple: oh well the brown blonde was not hurt that much (aspen) and no we do not have the girls phone. They took it with them to call some of her relatives.

Kyle: oh ok but uh what about the brown hair girl. (Ashley). Wait and you said they are calling relatives??? ( her mom and dad are in the Navy along with aspens parents and they just left a month ago and will not be coming back for several years).

The couple: yes. And well uh. The brown hair girl was in pretty bad shape. We will send prayers but we have to go.

Kyle: ok thank you so much.

New setting: the hospital

-Kyle and Ashton rush into both girls rooms-

Kyle: Uh hi I'm her brother you don't have to call her I mean our parents.

Nurse: sorry no visitors yet. And we need someone 18 or older. Sorry.

Kyles parents come in ( Briana and George).

Both parents: uh were here. Hi were the parents.

Nurse: oh ok feel free to stay.

-since aspen was not as hurt she could have Ashton as a friend visitor-

Ashley wakes up
Kyle rushes over to her

Kyle: omg are you ok????? I was so worried!!!!

Ashley: yea I'm fine.
She tries to sit up
Ashley: OUCH!! ok not fine.

Kyle helps her lay back down

Ashley: why are you here?

Kyle: because I wanted to make sure you were ok. He says after kissing her on the cheek.

Ashley blushes

Ashley: I'm so sorry about tonight I promise I'll make it up to you.

Kyle: no no no that's ok don't you worry about that.

Ashley: so what's wrong with me and aspen?

Kyle: well aspen is just bruised a little but you broke a couple of fingers on the right hand and you broke your wrist on you left hand. And your just bruised up a little on the rest of your body.

Ashley: oh ok good. At least I did not break a leg or arm or rib or foot she says while laughing.

They both laugh together

( just in case yall were wondering his parents are visiting his grandma. She broke her right arm and left wrist.

Ashley: you don't have to stay here tonight ok?

Kyle: well to bad cause I'm gonna.

They both laugh again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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