Black Bird: Chapter 9

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RECAP: “Help…” I whimpered, struggling to keep my hold on the only thing that was keeping me from falling.

“H-hold on!” Nagai called out as he turned towards the door, “I’ll grab you from the classroom below you.”


I can’t hold on much longer.

My aching hands started to shake from the effort, *my hands are hurt.* I thought as my death grip slipped and I plummeted towards the Earth.


My hands outstretched and my mouth a gap in fear and shock I fell, as if in slow motion, to my death.

My back was crushed against a stylish jacket and two strong arms encased me along with black wings that caressed us both. Relief flooded my body, “Kyo…” I turned to look at him to see his calm face staring back at me, “No way…”

I didn’t think….

…He would…

With one stroke of his wings we were rising above the roof and disappearing into the blue sky. “Ooh…” I gasped when I realized we weren’t descending, “Nooo!”

I started struggling in his grip, tears returning to my eyes, “No…” I whimpered twisting to face him, “Stop. Im afraid” I wriggled, my school uniform fluttering in the wind, “why are you doing this?” I closed my eyes against the still shrinking school.

He bent his neck close to my ear and whispered, “…Let me ask you…” his expression still at a neutral mask, “why do you make me so angry?”

All the empty air surrounding us prevented me from processing his question and I had switched from trying to get away to clinging to his black shirt “Nooo…Don’t let go…!”

My eyes still closed in fear I heard him speak once again into my ear, “If you’re scared, hang on to me tighter.” He set his chin into my windblown hair, “Hang on to me…” he clenched his teeth, “with all your might.”

He started dropping quickly and I opened my eyes when I felt the pressure change, “Ahh!” I screamed, holding onto him so tightly that my knuckles popped, “don’t let go…don’t let go!” I chanted as my stomach was left above and I squished myself as close as possible to Kyo.

My arms were starting to hurt from how hard I was squeezing his neck, and in a ‘whoosh’ of feathers he was tapping his leather clad shoes on school grounds. Unable to unlock my position I sobbed into the crook of his neck, staring a hole into his collar bone, “You know I wouldn’t drop you” he said softly, holding my shaking self tightly still, “I just wanted to teach you a lesson.”

I let my arms drop as he set me down and cradled my flushed, tear streaked face, “You can’t live without me,” he murmured. “I have to teach your body that.” I closed my eyes and rested my head in the palm of his hand. A moment later I felt him shift and pick up my legs to support my body against him.

He sounds so cold…


His arms are somehow…

Holding my arms close to my chest I brushed my lips with my bandaged hands as he crouched down, his wings at the ready.

So gentle…

That night I fell asleep quickly, dodging my mom who would have a fit about the scrapes covering my body.

Kyo's hands roamed over my body before stopping to pick up one of my hands and sucking on the tender wounds on my fingers.


After giving both my hands a bath he moved on towards my chest and swiftly unbuttoned my pajama top to massage the flesh that was patterned with cuts “Ooh…” I muttered when his tongue first touched my stomach “Oh yeah…” I moaned “Kyo and I…”

I felt him grasp the waistband of my pants “Oh…” I protested “No…wait…” but he had already pushed them down my legs and resumed licking “Wait…” He lathered up my leg with his healing saliva ignoring my objections “Kyo-…”

I bolted upright, wide awake with a hot blush decorating my face. Biting my bottom lip and seizing hold of my covers I calmed my nervous breathing and listened to the birds chirping their welcome to a new day.

I can’t believe it.

*Why did I have a dream like that?!* I yelled at myself when I saw that I was fully clothed, *was it an unconscious sign of my desires?* I clutched my head and shook it to rid myself of those thoughts, *No! That’s not possible!*

Taking my hands off my head I looked down at them to see the bandages hanging loosely from my flawless skin. I was silent as I pulled away the collar of my top to peer at my chest to see it too fully healed over the night. Realization hit me and I scrambled to get dressed, running as fast as possible to Kyo's, next door.

I went through the gate and opened the first door I came to, slamming it open, “Hey, Kyo!” I yelled, flustered from running around.

Everyone froze in surprise with Kyo stopping midway with a rolled omelet pausing just before his mouth and a bowl of rice in his other hand. “My lady,” Taro spoke, his small hands wrapped around a steaming cup of tea.

“What is it?” Kyo asked, popping the sliced egg into his mouth with a relaxed expression.

“Will you dine with us, my lady?” Taro asked sweetly, instantly brightening at the thought.

Suddenly the rushing to get here caught up with me and I was leaning against the door frame, wheezing. “…My…” I gasped for air, “my cuts are healed!?” I blurted watching him pick up his tea with a sheepish look on his face that vanished when he sipped the piping hot beverage.

“Oh? Were you hurt?” he asked innocently putting down the cup, “Im glad you’re better.”

He handed his bowl to Taro who started serving more rice, patting down the grains, “Don’t play dumb!” I continued to accuse, “you’re the only one who could have done this.” I watched him slowly get up with a peaceful look, “You were watching outside the nurse's office.” I added when he didn’t say anything.

“Now…” he started untying his robe, “I think I’ll go and change.” He started towards the door, “Let's go to school together,” he offered with a smile.

“No!!” I complained angrily staring at him until he turned on his heel to face me with a confident teasing expression.

“Would you like another walk in the sky?” he asked me in husky, yet taunting tone.

Instantaneously my stomach dropped through the floor and I felt sick, “Ooh…” I groaned my face paling at the thought.

So it wasn’t…!

That wasn’t a dream after all!


Okay I really need to edit this because I think I switched to first person to third person and I just need to edit this anyway lol. Alerting me to any big errors would be a blessing! Thanks for reading!

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