ladies night.

31 0 0

Later that night 👀
Odell Beckham Jr.

August:Damn ole girl over there sexy asf*sips his drink mixed with henny*

Odell:Her friends bad asf too*looks the girls way*

Chris:While y'all niggas standing over here fantasizing about fucking them I'm gonna try to go fuck with em*walks over to the group of girls*


*Wrist by Chris Brown playing*

Ashley:Girl that fine ass group of boys looking over her*dancing with Brittany*

Stacey:Damn they is fine asf, y'all want a drink ? me, Kayla, and Nya was going to go get some drinks at the bar

Brittany:Two shots of "Little Peaty", what you want Ash?

Ashley:5th Ave

Stacey:My bitches trynna get fucked up tonight but ok *laughs and walks to the bar with Nya and Kayla*

Brittany:Bitch here they come, how I look *fixing her shirt and checking her hair*

Ashley:Brit you look cute asf now don't act weird asf*looks weird cause she sees Chris behind her*

Chris:Hey ladies

Brittany & Ashley: Hey

Chris:I saw you checking a nigga out so I decided to come over here*looks at Brittany smiling*

Ashley:Brit I'll be back I'm going to the restroom*walks away*

Brittany:Wait me ? Checking you out ? Pls

Chris:Yeah, it's coo ma cause you fine asf too and may I say you have a good ass taste not trynna sound conceited or nothing


Stacey, Nya, and Kayla 🍸👯

Nya:We finna get tore tf up today*holding her and Brittany drinks laughing with the girls*

???:*Bumps into Nya*

Nya:Damn*falls on him*I'm so sorry

???:You good ma*Wipes him shirt off and helps Nya up*

Nya:Yeah omg I'm so sorry about that

???:Nah that was all me, by the way I'm Odell

Nya:Oh I know who you are*Smiles*

Odell:I'm sorry, baby let me buy you another drink?

Nya:No I couldn't I have two drinks me and my girls

Odell:Not trynna be rude but you gay ?*looks confused

Nya:No I'm not gay, I'm here with my bestfriends*laughs*

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