Chapter 3

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We were in math. Our advanced math teacher had put us next to each other for September and some of October. I walked in, and we had new seats. I was no longer next to Piero. For some reason, I felt sad inside "Sad? Why are you sad?" I asked myself, "You don't like him. You just want to know more about him." That seemed like a good enough explanation for me. Why else would I be sad? He wasn't my friend, and I didn't like him... did I? I decided not, and sat down in my new seat, still feeling the mysterious sad. I was far away from him now, but I could still see him clearly. Once again, he hadn't handed in his homework. Julia opened her secret notepad and wrote slowly, "Doesn't turn in homework often- doesn't like it or just forgetful?" She then put it away to listen to the teacher talk. He asked Piero why his homework was never turned in. Piero didn't answer. Yuki was tempted to take out her pad and write some more, but she wanted to see what would happen. "If you don't like something, just pretend to. Sooner or later, you'll find that you're not pretending anymore." Just then, Piero looked up at me and half-smiled. Suddenly, I felt a little pang in my chest, a little electrical current. I wondered. I wondered a lot of things just then. But what I was thinking most about is is maybe, just maybe, I had tried liking him without realizing. And that maybe now, it was too late.

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